I wasn’t going to post today, working up to the moment when innkeeping and gardening take over my time and daily posts are no longer an option, but I received three emails that will interest readers, as well as a phone call. We’ll start with the phone call from an activist against the wind turbine, proposed for Wellfleet. Ginny specified the 410-foot turbine would be closer to Duck Pond than to White Crest. She told me there was a meeting tonight at 7 pm, at the library, on this issue. I explained I did not need convincing, that I had already changed my mind based on the water tower and the realization that Wellfleet needs to remain as is, no more disruption to our tourist industry, please. Ginny said this was not the type of thing she usually did, being an activist, that is. Those words made me laugh. They fit my behavior about N to a T. I urged her to find the time this week to write a letter to Scott Soares at DAR.
The emails were about last night's meeting in Harwich on herbicidal spraying. My general impression after reading them is that a huge amount of education remains to be done, although the Harwich Conservation Department did advise seeking alternatives methods of brush removal. A few quotes from the emails:
“Seems more Cape Codders know Siobhan Magnus is on Idol than N is starting to spray their ‘chemical cocktail’ and the possible effects.”
"N had the Cert. OG Harwich Cranberry Grower speak that this was a sound plan and how well N worked with him not to spray near his bogs. He's a certified & licensed pesticide contractor ... HUH??? I'm not buying cranberries from him anytime soon."
“The Town brought up the possibility of bringing in Americorp volunteers, who are working with the Conservation Department to clear out unwanted vegetation in Harwich conservation areas, at no cost to the town. A town official asked if N would be open to that, and N did not feel that was viable at this time.”
Strangely enough, the meeting was not televised, as it was supposed to be.
Finally the Board of Selectmen voted to send a letter to Scott Soares requesting a twelve-month moratorium. Good for you, Harwich. Go, activists!