What would you say if I told you the original I LOVE WELLFLEET ChezSven Blog bumper sticker is about to become a rare collectible? You would want one immediately. We still have a few left. If you would like to receive this unique custom item, shoot me an email. Today we are going to travel a bit and talk, well, yes, future collectibles ...
First stop, of course, here in town, where Hugh Guilderson creates gifts

for the home and garden at
Copper Craft of Wellfleet. I saw Hugh at a local event last week, where I snapped photos while he told me about his new venture. I know a lot of you are still looking for a last minute Valentine’s Day present, not charmed by yesterday’s suggestion of chocolates. Contact Hugh at Copper Craft of Wellfleet. I’m sure he’s got the perfect homemade object for your sweetie, something copper which future great grandchildren can show off on some reincarnation of the Antiques Roadshow, circa 3000.
Next on our tour, we zip down to Baltimore where Shelly Daly,

a longtime aficionado of Wellfleet’s beautiful beaches, discovered how to turn a favorite pastime (collecting beach stones) into a hobby and part-time job. Shelly makes the most amazing Cape Cod beachstone jewelry, which she sells on Etsy. Check out some of the latest creations in her
online shop. (Some of you may remember reading about Shelly's work during our December 3rd walk down
Commercial Street, where we also visited Left Bank Gallery, now offering 25% off from now until Valentine's Day.)
For our last stop, let’s go a bit farther, all the way around the globe to New Zealand

to be exact, and contemplate some felted gifts offered by my friend Melanie McMinn, aka
Frugal Kiwi, aka Felted Kiwi. Here is one incredibly talented artist, who has chosen to open her new
online shop with a contest. Yes, you can win a fireworks-like explosion of felted Dread Nots simply by visiting Frugal Kiwi’s Web site. Dread not, all you have to do is leave a comment, but I’m sure you will be swept away by these unique objects and spend some New Zealand dollars. $120 NZ = $80 US.