I thought of writing about the numerous ghouls in front of the most decorated house on Route 6. They pop up every year in early October and make quite a spectacle. I did not get out to take the photograph, though. It has been a busy week here at Chez Sven!
Another great Halloween topic would have been background to the Trunk-or-Treat program that a couple of new Wellfleetians created two or three years back. “Trunk or Treat 2009” takes place at the drive-in. A friend in the village told me she gets fewer trick-or-treaters now that most of them have parents who choose this easy and fun alternative to going house to house.
I thought of wandering around the local cemetery by moonlight and photographing some of the exquisite old graves. Another year perhaps ….
I could also have written an excellent post about haunted houses. There’s a short film on the subject in the library collection. Someone interviewed Wellfleetians who thought their houses were haunted. Since we have a spirit, which is often around, the topic had appeal.
Or, how about a local witch? Wellfleet’s Tracy Plaut will again transform herself into a witch to benefit the Sampson Fund at Pleasant Bay Animal Hospital in Harwich. It’s hard to imagine Tracy looking scary, dressed in black, wearing green make-up, but last year, at the wheel of her car, she scared quite a few people on Route 6. (Apparently, Cape Codders love to have their favorite pet photographed with Tracy holding a paw.)
Indecision and a last-minute booking of the cottage caught up with me. No time. So, I simple photographed two local pumpkins. Happy Halloween!