Above, healing stones, painted by Washington Ledesma. They are hollow, and, when you shake them, something inside jiggles, as with Mexican jumping beans. I mentioned this artist in the post about Oysterfest 2009. I got a nice note from a new reader in New York who describes Oysterfest on his own blog and actually won this year’s spelling bee. (Congratulations, Malcolm!) You’d be surprised how many people Google “Wellfleet blog,” often without knowing they will find … ME!!!!. I try to stay informed on the origin of new visitors. Yesterday, for instance, I noticed a link with which I was not familiar, so I clicked through. Shelly Daly makes jewelry in Baltimore and has a deep love for Wellfleet, too. Shelly even had linked to my post about Oysterfest, calling this blog “Wellfleet Today.” I thought about it and decided that was a great title, so note the change above. Shelly’s recent post about the Cape expresses so well the way non-residents feel about this place.
Wellfleet has special meaning for many people, which is why non-residents try to make it back for Oysterfest, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Who knows? In the future, the town may have a festival that attracts visitors in the spring as well. If and when that happens, I will be here (I hope!) to share impressions.
I was never a non-resident but spent twenty-seven years as a summer visitor before moving from Paris to care for my elderly parents in 1997. I started writing this blog in January 2006. Chezsven Blog started off with descriptions of walks with Sven but soon its scope expanded to cover life as a green innkeeper in Wellfleet. At first I posted twice a week. Since June, I have blogged every day. The thing about blogging is you really need to do it every day to maintain credibility and not disappoint readers. Some people see any type of writing as a chore. What could be worse that feeling OBLIGED to write a blog? For writers, not a problem. What we do best is write. I often feel as if blogging is exercise for the mind. (Below, an unusual sight: P-town Pedicars on Main Street in downtown Wellfleet.)