I hope sunflowers, courtesy of Jim Rose, may brighten this gray day for those of you in New England. Twenty people now follow Wellfleet Chezsven Blog. It has twice that many daily returning readers, and 150 to 200 views per day. Whoopie! Thank you to everyone who tunes in, be it during work break, lunchtime, before breakfast or at bedtime. I’m glad you’re interested in reading about life in Wellfleet, and delighted many of you are joining the conversation by leaving comments.
Alisa, who blogs at Happily Ever After recently explained why comments are so important to a blogger: “I love your comments. They help me feel good about this blog and all of the work I put into it. On nights like tonight, when the urge to write the blog triggers an appearance of ‘Mean Mommy,’ it’s your comments that make it all seem worth the effort.”
Any writer who keeps a blog enjoys feedback. This is why I’m so happy many of you have started commenting. Take Beverly. She only became an official follower last week but has already left two comments and even emailed an article about Google co-founder Larry Page who “recently introduced goats to Google campus lawn; animals less harmful to the environment than lawn mower,” relevant to my topic that day. Or, Cat. Upon returning home to California, this former guest sent me the photo, below, with the comment, “I enjoyed your blog today and was reminded of our wonderful explorations of the nearly people-less sand bars of Great Island at low tide.” Tim, in New York, wrote a few days ago, “I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog on a weekly basis. My wife and I - along with several friends - have been visiting Wellfleet the past seven summers, and I love reading about the town on your site, keeping me up to date.” After an Economic Development Committee meeting last spring, an important member of the Preservation Hall board leaned towards me and whispered, “Love your blog!” And today Karin, a new arrival to Wellfleet and regular blog reader, knocked on my door to say hello.
This type of thing makes me feel all warm inside. Bloggers send their words out into cyberspace. Knowing they reach actual people and move them is extraordinary. Thank you, readers!