Check out the Seventh Generation Newsletter and especially two articles, including updated information on the new attitude in Washington towards the regulation of toxic chemicals. (This article contains reference to a Web site I did not know about. Please visit and send a letter to Congress here. The letter begins, "Please support legislation that will soon be introduced to reform and modernize the nation’s law that is failing to protect my family from dangerous toxic chemicals ...") Also in this newsletter, an article about links between women’s health and the environment.
None of this news has been reported on television, as far as I can tell. I watch NECN every morning and keep hoping their excellent anchors will do a health segment that will inform viewers of the probable link between toxic chemicals and breast cancer, or about water pollution, but so far that has not happened. (How about a profile of Seventh Generation's Jeff Hollender of New Hampshire or an interview with him on this timely subject?) While Wellfleet Chezsven is a blog about living on Cape Cod, water quality and reform of legislation on toxic chemicals is relevant to us all. The sea change happening now may make a difference in our local situation with NStar wanting to spray at least four herbicides beneath the power lines to clear brush.