With a cancellation due to H1N1 this weekend, I was able to sleep in, something I have not done over the weekend since March (!).

Therefore, I rose at 8, rather than 7 or 6. After breakfast, I tidied up, so the cottage guests could have a tour of the old house. Sven got up early, too. Our first task of the day was making a final decision on whether or not to acquire a nifty 1968 Volvo in great condition, an interesting potential promotional angle for our bed & breakfast. After much back and forth, we decided with regret that the car would only add a layer of complication to our life, which neither of us was willing to assume. With regret, I emailed the seller, a former guest, thanks but no thanks. During the morning, I worked in the garden, trimming back perennials. The ladies in the cottage stopped by for their tour. Being artists, they both particularly enjoyed hearing me describe the origins of the art.

By noon, Sven and I were at Newcomb Hollow Beach, along with Thoreau's ghost, where a good number of Cape Coolers were already hard at work designing 350 on the beach, not dug out of the sand, as I had imagined, but with seaweed. We joined the group, awed by the fact people all over the world are participating in the same worthwhile protest. Cameras clicked away. We even lay down in Wellfleet's 350, photo below, and Paula E. held up a photo of a polar bear, already endangered by global warming. (See yesterday’s post for full details. Yesterday
NOW, on PBS, featured the watered down life in Bangladesh, where a recent cyclone gave an idea of what's coming. The site also has an interview with Bill MacGibben regarding 350.) Janet, a regular blog reader from Eastham, showed up with her husband Dave, who is responsible for Wild Cape Cod. Dave videotaped the proceedings. Very cool, Cape Cool! Then it was back home for more garden work. I handled no requests for reservation, washed no sheets, folded no towels, ironed no pillowcases, baked no bread. It was a day of rest, after a very long and busy season ….