Sven and I got in a walk at LeCount Hollow Friday,
Oysterfest is only two weeks away. Check the Web site often if you want to sign up for one of the space-limited activities, like harvesting oysters. Be sure to take your children to hear the Elbows, and don’t miss Maroussia Chavchavadze’s stall with colorful woven goods to benefit American Friends of Georgia, or non-resident Sarah James’s watercolors featuring – what else? – oysters!
My mother used to enjoy Denya Levine’s accordion playing and called Stephen Russell “one of handsomest men I have ever met,” which always made Steven blush, if she happened to say this in his presence, which she often did in her old age. Therefore, it seems fitting that Denya will be performing with Steven today at the Flying Fish, on what would have been my mother’s 100th birthday. Here’s a copy of the announcement Denya sent: “Hi there, friends and relations. We're having a fall fling at the Flying Fish: Singing session, hosted by Stephen Russell and myself, Sunday, October 4, 7:30 pm. Come early and have dinner or have some luscious dessert or a drink. If you like, bring a song to share, an instrument...We like songs with a hearty chorus we can all sing, something traditional or old or funny or???”
Finally, since it is Fall for the Arts weekend,