Friday, June 08, 2012

What's New on the Bookshelf?

Anyone considering international surrogacy would do well to read Adrienne Arieff's memoir. The Sacred Thread helped me understand the anguish of women, unable to carry a baby to term, and why anyone would take this route. The author chooses a specialized clinic, mentioned on Oprah, in a rural village near the border with Pakistan. Arieff communicates the physical shock of being plunked down in the middle of a foreign country but also captures the last-minute doubts mothers-to-be-through-surrogacy experience. I had no idea that surrogacy in India was so much less expensive: $15,000 rather than $50 to $100,00 in the USA. Adrienne describes "the indescribably odd experience of having a baby without being pregnant or giving birth" with total candor. The memoir covers the emotional impact of this choice, as well as the ethical issues related to having a stranger carry your baby.