We did not get to the "Trunk or Treat"

at the drive-in again this year. The annual Halloween party was organized by the Wellfleet Fire Department. That's where all the neighborhood kids went. We did not receive any little trick-or-treaters, which is a shame. But, we did get one adult, and boy, was she ever dressed to kill. What a costume!

I caught a glimpse of our big trick-or-treater through the kitchen window and trembled. Femke Rosenbaum, of Clean Water Art Action Cape Cod, had decorated her cape with the names of the herbicides NStar intends to use under the power lines. These herbicides are very scarey, too. She and husband Peter were on their way downtown to go trick-or-treating. The trick? Spraying herbicides. Don't you just love this American holiday? Yay for Halloween!
Laura Kelley · 699 weeks ago
Now is that a trick or treat? I think it's the scariest possibility since water is the source of life and we are made up of 75% water. We've got to tell NStar there are other ways to maintain unwanted vegetation to protect Cape Cod's drinking water - do it today - after December it will be too late.
*If anyone knows an environmental lawyer please have them contact me at Littlefieldlandscapes@gmail.com immediately. Thank you for any possible contacts to help protect all residents, tourists, animals and plants on Cape Cod. Is the cost of spraying really cheeper? and for what, the cost of human health? Now that is not a funny trick at all.
Tracy Plaut · 699 weeks ago
Living Large · 699 weeks ago
My recent post Homemade Goodness, the Stuff of Legend now
chezsven 82p · 699 weeks ago
Bev · 699 weeks ago
Thanks much for the blog!.