Thursday, October 06, 2011

Wellfleet Makes ...the Chicago Tribune! Huh?

Above, a photo of the line at the Bookstore ten days ago, during Wellfleet Boogie, formerly known as Boogie-by-the-Bay.

There's a new article about our town in the October/November issue of Cape Cod View. Of course, Oysterfest is mentioned, but the street party that will take place in ten days is fortunately not the only focus. I enjoyed the scope of the piece and the photos. Do pick up a copy.

Wellfleet was also featured in a very non-local newspaper this week. One has to really wonder about our town's trendiness when the Chicago Tribune runs an article about Oysterfest. Aren't more appropriate festivals taking place closer to the windy city? There are a number of inaccuracies, too, which shows the reporter was too busy enjoying himself to bother double-checking information. "All roads lead to water," the piece begins. I know quite a few that don't but let's not squabble about that. It's a dramatic way to hook the reader, even if untrue. He further writes, "Oysters are painted on the sides of residential homes." Really? Can anyone point me to one house that is decorated with paintings of shellfish? By the time I got to the author's attempt at opening oysters with a pilfered wrench, I was thinking he should have maybe aimed for humor. The writing leaves much to be desired, but this is certainly good publicity for Aunt Sukie's, the Bookstore, Wicked Oyster, and Mac's Seafood, not to mention Oysterfest. I wonder how many Chicagoans will journey to Cape Cod for the weekend of Oct. 15-16?

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Well, you know what they say, 'there's no bad publicity!'
Dale Donovan's avatar

Dale Donovan · 695 weeks ago

Access to articles like this is one of many reasons that I read ChezSven Blog daily.
The others: an elegant design, lively writing, timely information, excellent photographs, and admiration for the work that goes into it. Thank you.

1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
Why, thank you Dale! That is such a lovely comment. Really appreciate it. Glad you enjoy this blog.
david wright's avatar

david wright · 695 weeks ago

Sandy, I expect the oysters on the house may have been at Nate Johnson's on Cove Rd. He's had some at various times. If you'd like to see some oysters hanging on a clothesline, they may still be up behind The Juice, where I saw them this morning.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
I did think of Cove Road after writing this post, but that is ONE house, David. This writer makes it sound like we all paint oysters up and down our siding or something.
david wright's avatar

david wright · 695 weeks ago

You asked for one, I gave you one.
1 reply · active 695 weeks ago
True, true. Thank you. But the author claims all of Wellfleet is similarly decorated. That's what I found so absurd.
I thought it was funny. Midwesterners may see us differently than New Yorkers do, but the guy seemed to enjoy himself here. Trendy isn't everything.
Oh you sound grumpy about this article! Aren't you glad to get the press coverage? Isn't it nice that the Chicago Tribune came and had a good time in your lovely wonderful town! I know it's frustrating when they get the details wrong though. But I think it's lovely and I suspect a lot of Chicagoans will come next year. Flying in and out of Chicago is relatively inexpensive. Why shouldn't they visit your lovely town?!
Wow look at that!!!!! Well fleet in the news AGAIN-

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