Sunday, October 02, 2011

Yes, Fish Can Be Caught from Wellfleet Pier

Yesterday Sven and I went for a quiet walk around the marina. A slight breeze was blowing. The sun had emerged from behind a cloud, after heavy rain at dawn and morning cloudiness that had lingered into the afternoon. The tide was incoming high. The marina has really become The Place To Walk. It's flat, and easy. What's more the view is never boring. We passed quite a few people, some with walkers, some without. No one young was out walking, however. I suppose they have better things to do. Sven remarked the number of benches has increased. I noted a memorial inscription to a nice man we had known, Brewster Fox, who "swam with dolphins" in Wellfleet Harbor in 1950. Even the picnic tables have memorial inscriptions now. Every fourth bench was occupied by a couple resting, or a lone woman gazing off into the distance. We said hello to every one of them. Since I had spied a rowboat near the pier, we headed over in that general direction. Unfortunately the rowboat's skipper had moved in close to a sailboat and his passengers had already disembarked, so I was not able to take a photo. However, I did photograph several people fishing. We watched two women joyfully reel in stipers, one after the other. They had collected a pailful. Apparently these small fish were biting and are good smoked. Do you like to fish? Have you ever fished off the pier?

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We love to fish, it's one of the reasons we moved to this vast lake in Arkansas. We've never fished from the sea, however. Love the photo of the boats. Very New England, lovely.
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NoPotCooking's avatar

NoPotCooking · 695 weeks ago

We fish in NY's Finger Lakes. My husband grew up fishing the Niagara River and Lake Chautauqua in western NY. We mostly catch perch and bass.
I love fish, but in recent years my hubby has developed a weird allergy to any fish I buy. We've tried different fish, different preparations, but his tongue and throat feel weird and/or go "numb." He did go fishing with a neighbor recently, and we cooked the brook trout they caught, and he had no trouble at all.

It makes us think there is an issue with ocean pollution or the way the fish are processed commercially that's the issue ... not the fish itself.
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My husband taught me how to fish, although I find I'd much rather just enjoy hanging out by the lake watching him fish than worrying about it myself.
Brings back memories of my father taking me fishing with him when I was a young girl. I always loved that time together - even though we were never successful at catching anything more than an ugly, scaly sea robin!~
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I fished as a child in streams and in lakes. Sun fish, crappy, bream, trout. I loved it! I haven't fished since I moved to New Zealand and I've spent so much time snorkeling, I'd probably have a harder time getting myself to do it.
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what a lovely walk you had- it was wonderful 'taking the walk' with you via this blog. As for fishing- my brother used to fish alot when we were schooling in Penang- but I only tried fishing one time (or maybe two)
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I'm not much of a fisherwoman although I would the idea of fly fishing appeals to me. Thanks for taking me for a walk around the marina. I relaxed just reading about your walk.
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Hi Great story and pix - Only issue is they were most likely breaking several laws, both in catch size and limit. For stripers the minimum size is 28 inches and you are only allowed to keep two. That bucket of fish most likely would have been hundreds of dollars in fines should they have been stopped... Not to be a buzz kill, but that's where we are with the laws to protect fish species...

More current info at:

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