Message left on my answering machine yesterday: "Hi. I'm a foreign journalist, in town for three days, and wondered about accommodation. I saw your place three years ago. I'd leave a number, but you could not reach my cell, so I'll ring back later."
Sorry foreign journalist. Chez Sven has been booked for months.
Facebooked by Cape Cod, Massachusetts: "I'd ask what everyone is doing this weekend, but we already know."
All together now, OY-STER-FEST! Yay!
Facebooked by Josaiah Mayo: "After opening oysters all weekend downtown, I will be playing with Squidda at our annual Post-Oysterfest Locals Jag at Sol's closing party."
Sounds like fun.
Facebooked by PB Boulangerie Bistro: "In honor of the Wellfleet Oyster Festival this weekend, PB will be offering a Tasting of Wellfleet Oysters, one of the best in America. This will consist of an oyster a la romanesco a la O'Neil, oyster with a sherry vinegar granitee, oyster persilade, an oyster with lemongrass veloute and a raw oyster for $16."
No, PB. THE best in America, not "one of the best."
Thousands the Wellfleet oysters and clams will soon be ready for degustation. Bring your appetite and head on down.
Living Large · 702 weeks ago
My recent post Living Large tip of the Week: Enlist Friends and Family on the Repurpose Hunts