Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Keep Wellfleet Beaches Pristine

When Sven and I took a walk at LeCount Hollow two days ago, I was shocked to see not one but two dog excrement bags, you know those blue ones covered with paw prints, right on the beach. What dog owner, in his right mind, would leave such things behind? One was open, way down towards Marconi. Another I found at the foot of the parking lot dune, neatly tied up. Did the dog owners forget these bags? Did they think someone else would come along, like me, and pick them up for proper disposal? Did they hope the tide would wash them away? Should these people be considered good pet owners? You already know how I feel about renegade plastic bags, flapping in the breeze. This wanton act is almost worse. We need to all work together to keep Wellfleet beaches clean. Disgusting!

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It's also possible they dropped them by accident. If we want to be generous. If someone went to the trouble of picking the poop up then they meant to take it away.
I walked my sister's dog to the beach when I was down and did the poop bag collection thing.
Gross! I've seen the same thing at the bottom of the stairs at Great it was just too much work to carry it the rest of the way back up to the trash cans. I don't get it.
This bodes ill for those of us who enjoy having our dogs on the beach and DO clean up after them. On the (non) actions of a few, the many shall be punished.
Come on, dog owners- be kind to the beaches and the environs!
That is really disgusting and just not right. I can't believe these owners went to the trouble to put the feces in the bags but then did not dispose of them properly. How could they do that? I know the majority of dog owners are responsible but I can't tell you how much excrement I have seen in my neighborhood lately. It makes me think that only people who can prove they will be good pet owners should be allowed to have dogs.
Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 701 weeks ago

In answer to your question, no, they aren't considered good pet owners, for sure. I have been walking along and have put my poo bags in another bag and was shocked to find when I went to dispose of them, I had lost 1-2. Accidents happen, but people should surely be more careful. I went back to the city a couple of weekends ago for an annual girlfriends getaway with two childhood buddies. We attended a festival and upon getting out of the car, I almost stepped right in a soiled baby diaper lying on the ground - I kid you not - right in the middle of the parking lot. How can you forget a baby diaper? You don't, someone just didn't want to leave it in their car or bother carrying it the distance to the gates where there were trash cans. I agree with Jennifer, maybe there should be a litmus test for not only pet owners, but responsible parents as well.
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IF there were other people there, it is possible they left them and intended to pick them up on the way back. We do that on the bike path with our dogs sometimes, because I'd rather not carry a stinky poop bag any farther than I have to. If not, well then I agree this is rude and disgusting.
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1 reply · active 701 weeks ago
NoPotCooking, you make me feel better about humanity. It's true that perhaps the owners of the .. bags ... were on another part of the beach. They must have been mystified that the bags had disappeared on their return trip.
That's so odd, if you go to all the work to pick it up, why wouldn't you take it out? Some parks have special containers for dog leftovers--and available bags, maybe that's something they can look into getting for dog owners that frequent the beach? Still as a dog owner, I always carry out any...leftovers.
Vera Badertscher's avatar

Vera Badertscher · 701 weeks ago

Let's hope it was just accidental, but most responsible pet owners would have noticed and made a trip back to the beach to pick up what they dropped.
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I bet they meant to pick them up on their way back out or something. We see this pretty often when we hike here in the CO Rocky Mtns ... where there are a bunch of out and back trails. People leave the bags on the side of the trail (rather than carry them), then forget to pick them up on the way back.

I usually just grab what I see on my way back the parking lot and dispose of them.

While we're sharing ... aren't people gross? ... stories ... I once got to my car in a flea market parking lot and found a little boy (with his parent right there) peeing on my car tire. I was completely grossed out. There are lovely REAL bathrooms at the flea market they could have used. Ick!
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I saw two of those "doggie bags" on the path to Duck Harbor about 2 weeks ago.

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