Note: Power back as of 2 pm. Will write up the full experience for a future post.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thousands Remain Without Power On Outer Cape
Note: Power back as of 2 pm. Will write up the full experience for a future post.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:57 AM
Thousands Remain Without Power On Outer Cape
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (11)

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Irene Sandblasts LeCount Hollow Beach
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:14 AM
Irene Sandblasts LeCount Hollow Beach
Alexandra Grabbe
Hurricane Irene|LeCount Hollow|
Comments (6)

Hurricane Irene,
LeCount Hollow
In Which Irene Comes to Call
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
In Which Irene Comes to Call
Alexandra Grabbe
Hurricane Irene|
Comments (6)

Hurricane Irene
Saturday, August 27, 2011
In Which Fritzi Comes to Call
And, guess what she told me next: Fritzi owns an inn called Moby Dick Hotel and Oyster Farm. She described how she started her business, almost by accident, which is very similar to my route to innkeeping. Fritzi told me she had gotten a big kick out of my Glass Half Empty or Half Full post since she has received many complicated guests in her day.
To summarize, it was a great visit.
We share something else in common. We both believe toxic chemicals are dangerous to health and are doing our best to raise awareness. Check out Fritzi's latest effort to stop the spraying of herbicides on spartina, pegged as an invasive species out on the West Coast: Fearless Fund. Who would have thought innkeeping could lead to environmental activism!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:17 AM
In Which Fritzi Comes to Call
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Friday, August 26, 2011
A Dozen Pre-Hurricane Worries
• Will the forecast be off so that Irene makes a direct hit on Cape Cod?
• If the current forecast for Irene to hit the mainland at New London, CT turns out to be correct, will the forecast for Cape Cod be correct, too, meaning only 2 to 4 inches of rain?
• Will the power stay on so I can cook breakfast and keep food cold in the fridge?
• If the power goes off, how long will we have to wait for NStar crews to repair the damage on Cape Cod, with other parts of New England suffering, too?
• Will our guests from Germany and England think to check email before journeying out to Cape Cod Sunday and Monday?
• Will these guests realize we may be in emergency-mode here?
• Is there anything in the garden that might fly into a window at high wind?
• Do we have enough food and drinking water for _______ people? (no idea of number at this point)
• Has Sven checked the flashlight batteries?
• If the power is off for days, the water pump will not work, so will we be able to stock enough water in bathtubs to flush toilets for the guests for X number of days?
• If there is high wind, will tree limbs fall on the house, studio, or cottage?
• Should the power be off for days, can we get the new generator working?
Do you share similar worries about Irene? Do you remember Hurricane Bob? Have you lived through a hurricane?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:13 PM
A Dozen Pre-Hurricane Worries
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (18)

Thursday, August 25, 2011
More Fun on a Wellfleet Beach....
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
More Fun on a Wellfleet Beach....
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Water Matters in Wellfleet ...
Above, a view of a eutrophic pond, in Wellfleet. “Eutrophic” means a pond has received an excess of nutrients, which promotes a proliferation of plant life. Panel member Herb Gstalder said that changes have taken place in local ponds over the years.
Health Agent Hillary Greenberg and Beach Supervisor Suzanne Thomas do an excellent job of protecting Wellfleet’s ponds, said the next speaker, who emphasized community responsibility for keeping our ponds as pristine as possible.
Suzanne then picked up on this same theme: “The ponds are in danger of being loved to death.” Measures that have been taken over the past 20 years include re-vegetation of the old parking lot beside Long Pond and the installation of flush toilets at Gull. The take-away: we all need to do a better job of protecting our ponds.
The second half of the discussion was devoted to wastewater and a fabulous, innovative way of avoiding sewers through the use of oysters as a natural filtration system.
Since no one planned to mention our sole-source aquifer at a meeting advertised as being about preserving our waters, that morning I had asked Co-President Lila Croen if I might say a few words about NStar’s plan for herbicidal spraying. I was given two minutes after the speakers had finished. Here is approximately what I said:
“On Cape Cod, we have a sole-source aquifer. The EPA New England Web site says citizens must protect their sole-source aquifer. NStar wants to poison our drinking water. Not only will we be affected. But our children and our grandchildren. Even the unborn. Everyone who comes to Wellfleet and loves our town. This will last for generations. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know it’s not good to put poison in groundwater, and herbicides are poison. They are made to kill. If you have any interest whatsoever in the future of Cape Cod, join me. We have to do something to stop this. I know one person cannot make much of an impact, but if we unite, we can stop this madness. The good news is that Senator Wolf is on our side …”
I then suggested attendees read the Cape Cod Times’ report from the previous day.
I’m not particularly good at public speaking and was infuriated when Lila proceeded to read from the Cape Cod Times article I had told her about in good faith earlier that day. She chose the paragraph claiming NStar’s contribution of herbicides is not significant compared to other sources and spoke with a voice that seemed to challenge my comments. While it is true that everyone on the Cape needs to stop using herbicides, NStar has persisted in putting forward erroneous information to defend its switch from mowing to spraying toxic chemicals. It felt to me that Lila was defending the utility company, although she probably intended to urge the non-residents to avoid their own use of herbicides, and I found this choice very unfortunate.
There followed a lively Q&A period. I learned from one of the panelists that the surface of our ponds corresponds to the top of our aquifer. Suzanne Thomas pointed out that Wellfleet did not have green lawns when she was growing up and challenged whether they were necessary. It is true that the suburban model for a “yard” does not fit here on Cape Cod. In conclusion, Curt Felix said, “What we are doing in Wellfleet will not only have an impact in Wellfleet, but in other places as well.” Pretty exciting, don’t you think?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Water Matters in Wellfleet ...
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (9)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Did the Earth Move in Wellfleet?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:52 PM
Did the Earth Move in Wellfleet?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

What I Like Best About Innkeeping
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What I Like Best About Innkeeping
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Monday, August 22, 2011
Wellfleetian Arrested at DC Protest
Harriet sent this email before leaving:
Last year we had a green guest from Canada who explained her opposition to the Tar Sands exploitation and her distress that a change in government has endangered the area. Many Canadians share the same feelings, she said.
If you have the August National Geographic there are photos of the Tar Sands. Or, simply check out this Huffpost article. There was also an explanation of what could go wrong in MotherJones last January. Today the New York Times came out strongly against the Tar Sands pipeline.
Yesterday Harriet posted the following message to Facebook:

"My most interesting birthday ever, i think, getting arrested at the White House and lead away in handcuffs, while supporters sang Happy Birthday....There is a wonderful group of people from all over Canada and US, protesting Tar Sands Pipeline and reminding Barack of his promises to all of us (including his kids) ..."
You can read Harriet's blog at Cape Cool.
Have you signed the petition? If not, what are you waiting for?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Wellfleetian Arrested at DC Protest
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Sunday, August 21, 2011
What's New On the Bookshelf?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:25 AM
What's New On the Bookshelf?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Saturday, August 20, 2011
What I Saw Waiting for the Boston Ferry in P-Town
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:01 AM
What I Saw Waiting for the Boston Ferry in P-Town
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, August 19, 2011
What's Up this Weekend in Wellfleet?
David Wright will perform at Mayo Beach tonight, a free concert that I can recommend. Come celebrate 25 years of music with David, who was profiled in the Banner.
The Second Annual Friends
Take in a play at WHAT and tell Jeff Zinn how much he will be missed. (Zinn is stepping down as artistic director after 23 years.)
Payomet, in Truro, offers Kevin Rice's now classic "Hoppers Ghosts" August 18-21, with Wellfleet's own Stephen Russell as Edward Hopper. (Although I should probably also mention Kevin lives here, too!)
If you like music, the Brentwood Brass Band will play at 7:30 on Sunday at the Congregational Church or take in saxophonist Benny Sharoni at 8:30 at Winslow's Tavern, Friday through Sunday.
Looking beyond the weekend, Edith Pearlman will speak about her short story collection at the library at 8 pm on Monday, and
On Wednesday, the Cape Cod Modern House Trust presents a lecture by historian
Kenneth Frampton on Modern Architecture in America and its Regional Manifestations, 8 pm at the library, or enjoy Jimmy Tingle at Prez. Hall, or attend one of the last square dancing sessions of the season, on the pier.
Whew! Lots going on.
Also, check out the new guide to Cape Cod, InsideOUT.
Finally, one more thing. Consider volunteering for Meals on Wheels. Drivers are needed. Monday through Friday, between 10 and noon. Contact Cindy Cullen at (50*) 394 4630, ext. 530.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:49 AM
What's Up this Weekend in Wellfleet?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Should There Be a Bike Trail Through Wellfleet?
“Biking on the Outer Cape in summer can be dangerous,”
Sven used to bike a lot and often managed to get out of the house without his helmet. I would worry about his riding out beautiful Chequessett Neck to Duck Harbor. The road is scenic and often deserted, so I do recommend it to guests.
The Cape Cod Rail Trail has many fans,
Wellfleet used to have a committee to study improvement of the biking situation in town, but that committee was disbanded, Lydia Vivante, at Town Hall, told me. I called Alan Platt for more information: “They tried to generate enthusiasm by laying out trails, but the trails all involved private property.” In other words, whenever the path went by a house, someone would object. Alan specified that the objections came mostly from Truro residents. He added that these objections would probably disappear once people realized proximity to a bike trail would increase property values.
Would you like to see a real bike trail through Wellfleet? What do you think of the Provincetown-Truro proposal? Do you bike on a regular basis? Do you wear a helmet? Do you have a favorite Cape Cod bike trail?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Should There Be a Bike Trail Through Wellfleet?
Alexandra Grabbe
biking Cape Cod|Cape Cod Bike Trail|Wellfleet|
Comments (14)

biking Cape Cod,
Cape Cod Bike Trail,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
In Which I Respond to Commissioner Soares
Here's the letter I am sending out today:
Dear Commissioner Soares,
Thank you for your letter of August 3 in response to mine to Governor Patrick about NStar’s plan to spray herbicides on Cape Cod over our sole-source aquifer. I met you at the Truro Ag Fair. I was also one of the hundreds of Cape citizens who sent in last year, at your request, “one scientific fact” to explain why herbicides should not be sprayed under the power lines. Did you, at least, read these letters?
I know about the moratorium on herbicidal spraying.
I know about the Ad Hoc Committee meetings. I attended one or two of them. From your letter I deduce you have accepted its conclusions. How can you take this committee seriously as most attendees were pro-NStar before the discussions began? I know for a fact that the three herbicidal spraying opponents resigned when a vote was proposed, since voting was not part of the original deal. There were 20 attendees total. Therefore, I am shocked you put forward their conclusions as evidence herbicidal spraying should be part of NStar’s vegetation management plan. Is this what you truly believe?
As I told Governor Patrick’s aide Matthew over the phone yesterday, I regret to say the response from the Governor’s office to my letters is unacceptable. Herbicides are toxic chemicals. Emerging science indicates that traces, in our drinking water, can present serious problems for pregnant women. Traces of herbicides affect the developing fetus. Glyphosate has recently been linked to birth defects. Think faulty wiring rather than deformed babies. Endocrine disruptors do this. They create hormonal havoc that translates, in children, to chronic diseases like ADHD and perhaps even autism.
Glyphosate is only one of the four herbicides that will be used. No one has tested the combination for toxicity, nor the surfactants for that matter. Traces will filter down through the sandy soil of Cape Cod into our drinking water. Herbicides are endocrine disruptors. In July, John Kerry introduced a bill in Congress to reduce exposure to endocrine disruptive chemicals. I respectfully suggest the Governor’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs align its policies with this initiative from our senior senator. Please urge Governor Patrick to oppose NStar’s plan to spray four herbicides under the power lines of Cape Cod and save our drinking water from contamination.
Alexandra Grabbe
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:00 AM
In Which I Respond to Commissioner Soares
Alexandra Grabbe
herbicidal spraying|
Comments (5)

herbicidal spraying
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
GreenCAPE Holds Successful Press Conference on NStar's Plan for Herbicidal Spraying Under Power Lines
Poison Stops Here read a sign
“The science is there. It’s just a question of policy,”
We were standing beside the Cape Cod Canal. GreenCAPE had chosen the spot because it delineates the boundary of our sole-source aquifer.
In case you didn’t know, there’s a merger going on. NStar plans to merge with Northeast Utilities, if Governor Patrick gives the go-ahead. It was time to reiterate that Cape Cod does not want herbicides in its sole-source aquifer. No pussyfooting around at this press conference.
“We’re drawing a line in the sand,” declared Toxics Action Center Organizing Director Sylvia Broude in a firm voice. “It’s time for NStar to make a permanent commitment not to spray Cape Cod. How many times do Cape Codders have to say no?”
It was a good question and one I have asked myself many times.
“Cape Cod already has a long history of breast cancer,” Sylvia added. “We’re calling on NStar to take leadership on this issue.”
Senator Dan Wolf agreed.
Then it was the turn of GreenCAPE’s Sandra Larsen to speak:
Next at the microphone, Craig Slatin of UMass Lowell. Dr. Slatin explained endocrine disruption and zeroed in on the toxicity of glyphosate, one of the herbicides threatening our sole-source aquifer. Cancer in children is on the increase, he added. These herbicides have “unintended disease consequences” for humans. I learned from his speech that endocrine disruptors can trigger cells to be less protective against cancer. Other valid points included the fact that herbicides remain active at very low doses, and ADHD, autism, reproductive disorders can result from prenatal exposure. Finally, he pointed out there is no difference in cost for the utility company, so why spray herbicides?
Dr. Sidhartha echoed Craig Slatin’s call to NStar to return to mowing.
“We are asking both companies to commit to a no-spray policy along the rights-of-way on Cape Cod,” concluded Sylvia Broude, referring to both NStar and Northeast Utilities. “If we applied the precautionary principle, it would make Massachusetts a much healthier place to live.”
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:19 PM
GreenCAPE Holds Successful Press Conference on NStar's Plan for Herbicidal Spraying Under Power Lines
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (9)

The Staging of An Effective Press Conference
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:41 PM
The Staging of An Effective Press Conference
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

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