thirty plus years has had the opportunity to admire the doors on Wellfleet’s former Catholic Church, now re-purposed as Preservation Hall, our new community center. Ever since 1976, when the colorful woodcarvings first attracted my eye, I have wondered about the artist who created the soulful images. Who was Johnathan Kendall? What happened to him? Was he a native of Cape Cod? These questions and more were answered Friday evening at a talk by Mark Gabrielle, curator of an unusual show, which will showcase 30 woodcarvings from June 30 to September 5, Prez. Hall’s first.
At the beginning of the talk, Mark warned the audience that the story he was about to relate was not a happy one. Kendall had a difficult early life, although he did travel to Europe where he was exposed to religious art. His mother disowned him on his 18th birthday, an event that made the son leave New England and move west where he lived in a cabin and made icons. The “woodcarving nomad” visited Cape Cod in 1976. He created our doors in exchange for a small food stipend, and the right to pitch a tent in the churchyard. Barter became a way of life. Kendall often visited monasteries and discovered a certain kinship with the monks. It was in the late 1970s, Gabrielle reported, that Kendall started a workshop on icon-making at an “experimental monastery” in Arizona. (Read more here.) It was there that he fell in love with John Kreyche, a “strong silent type.” The two married and were inseparable until 1991 when Kreyche disappeared without a trace. Kendall was heartbroken. “He wanted to make a living from his art, but it never worked out that way,” Gabrielle said sadly. Kendall died in 2004 in a New Mexico nursing home.
As part of the renovation project,
While Wellfleetians have grown to love these doors,

Johnathan Kendall’s doors are one of Wellfleet’s special treasures. I’m grateful to Mark Gabrielle for the painstaking research he did on the artist, answering all my questions, as well as for putting together a show of Kendall’s work. Visitors to Wellfleet can look forward to seeing some of Kendall’s other woodcarvings this summer. Since the artist was prolific, picking up a piece of his art at the flea market also remains an intriguing option ….
Mark Gabriele · 722 weeks ago
Anjuli · 722 weeks ago
And I did smile at the 'yardstick' used by your guest to measure their son's growth- what a innovative idea and somehow I think Johnathan Kendall would be smiling too...
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Champion of My Heart · 722 weeks ago
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Mike Kreyche · 524 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 722 weeks ago
I almost bought one of Kendall's pieces but they didn't fit into our Wellfleet house - although that usually doesn't keep me from buying something I like. There was just no question whoever did those icons for sale at the gallery in Scottsdale had done the doors and it was in Arizona that I first learned Kendall's name which, of course they had at the gallery. Now I wish I had gone ahead and bought one of his pieces. Had I known what would happen to the doors I would have - it would have been fun to have something by the same person in my home."
Sheryl · 722 weeks ago
My recent post Midlife Minute
Mark Gabriele · 689 weeks ago
Ed and Joy · 661 weeks ago