Friday, August 19, 2011

Should There Be a Bike Trail Through Wellfleet?

Often, in summer, we encounter bikers on Commercial Street. It’s great that so many people are leaving their cars behind, and yet I fear the biking conditions are not optimal in our town. This situation will not change any time soon.

“Biking on the Outer Cape in summer can be dangerous,” I told my last set of guests, an exuberant family from France who would make a point of cycling everywhere despite my warning. I cringed as they set off without the helmets that had been provided by Idle Times Bike Shop.

Sven used to bike a lot and often managed to get out of the house without his helmet. I would worry about his riding out beautiful Chequessett Neck to Duck Harbor. The road is scenic and often deserted, so I do recommend it to guests.

The Cape Cod Rail Trail has many fans, but it starts in South Wellfleet. Chez Sven is two blocks from Long Pond Road, which is called “the Bike Trail Extension” but tell that to the summer drivers who juggle cell phones and screaming kids. One minute of distraction is all it takes. Indeed, a biker was killed last month on Route 6, between Truro and Provincetown. Now comes a proposal from the Provincetown Bicycle Advisory Committee for cutting Route 6 down to one lane on each side, from Truro to Provincetown.

Wellfleet used to have a committee to study improvement of the biking situation in town, but that committee was disbanded, Lydia Vivante, at Town Hall, told me. I called Alan Platt for more information: “They tried to generate enthusiasm by laying out trails, but the trails all involved private property.” In other words, whenever the path went by a house, someone would object. Alan specified that the objections came mostly from Truro residents. He added that these objections would probably disappear once people realized proximity to a bike trail would increase property values.

Would you like to see a real bike trail through Wellfleet? What do you think of the Provincetown-Truro proposal? Do you bike on a regular basis? Do you wear a helmet? Do you have a favorite Cape Cod bike trail?

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I think it would only help the Cape to have bike paths everywhere. I once stayed in Cotuit thinking I'd bike the five miles to visit my mother in Sandwich. It was just too dangerous. I wear a helmet and my favorite path is probably Shining Sea since I grew up in Falmouth and used to walk the railroad tracks to Woods Hole.
Just imagine Cape Cod with fewer cars and more bicycles!
I love the idea of shrinking route 6 for a bike path!
Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 710 weeks ago

I think it would do every town well to have bike routes. I was surprised the other day to see a post on Facebook by the Sierra Club that they were giving away a free bike. I couldn't believe the venom spewed by people even on that site toward bikers.
My recent post Living Large Tip of the Week: Saving on Gas
Yes, yes, yes! We bike all the time from our cottage to the ocean, using Old County Road to Cahoon Hollow to Ocean View Drive to LeCount to Rte 6 back to Old County Road. A gorgeous ride, especially along OVD, but too dangerous in August when this town just explodes. We also use the bike trail and we also bike from town out to Duck Harbor and from town to Truro Center. We love biking, ALWAYS wear helmets, and would love safer trails to bike on. Even a bike lane on Rte 6 (a real one, not one that disappears here and there) would help.

I also would love to see a light at LeCount and at Cove Road, both for biking safety for those who wish to cross Rte 6 and for driving safety. Those intersections are awful for making left turns and a sure recipe for accidents.
after seeing all the traffic on the Cape this summer, I'm definitely voting for a bike trail.
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I love to bike and wish more bike trails existed everywhere. Competing for road space with cars and trucks is just plain scary and takes a lot of pleasure out of biking.
I don't bike anymore because I had a serious bike accident as a kid (in a parking lot, not on the road, but I skinned both knees and broke my two adult front teeth, resulting in an ongoing need for expensive cosmetic dental work). I am a little envious of people who bike everywhere because it's such good exercise and an affordable way to get around but I'm a little uncomfortable with the safety factor. Even though I wouldn't use it, I'm in favor of bike trails as an alternative to driving.
alisa bowman's avatar

alisa bowman · 709 weeks ago

When I was in Italy, I used to pass groups of cyclists on these narrow windy roads w no shoulder. I think cyclists mostly get hit when they are riding in places where cars don't expect them (or at night). I don't have stats to prove this, but I it seems as if they are actually very easy to see from far away. Assuming that's the case, it's not as dangerous as it might seem. In my area, I know a couple cyclists who were hit by cars. I think in both cases it happened at an intersection.
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candace nagle's avatar

candace nagle · 709 weeks ago

Thank you for all these posts supporting the Cape Cod Rail Trail Extension from South Wellfleet to Provincetown! One way to help is to write a letter to the editor of our local paper, The Provincetown Banner which serves Provincetown-Truro-Wellfleet. The email address is

Yours in Bicycle Safety,
Candace Nagle
Chair, Provincetown Bicycle Advisory Working Group
1 reply · active 709 weeks ago
Thanks, Candace, for writing in with this suggestion.
I'm a bike trail girl all the way. We have some great ones around here, though I must admit I sometimes bike without a helmet. Voice in my head: "Why back when I was a kid, we didn't need bike helmets!" Of course, times are different now, drivers are more plentiful and more distracted, bike helmets are a necessity.
My recent post The Hunger Games: First Teeny-Tiny Peek at Katniss in Motion
Sounds like a bike trail is really needed. I also think cyclists need to recognize the rules of the road, if they're on it. I'm always surprised to see cyclists traveling on regular roads and then blaring through red lights.
Absolutely! Most would benefit from it. And would likely get some bikers off the road. The greatest chalenge would be - how does it get funded?
They just completed the Alewife Brook Greenway providing a connection between Mystic River Paths in the MInuteman Commuter Bikeway making the area in a highly congested area much safer. This would be great...for the Wellfleet Area... perhaps a parth out to Jeremy point and connecting to the Welfleet Drive in via bike lanes....?

Is there any talk of extending the Rail Trail to Provincetown through the Province dunes, connecting with the head of the meadow trail and Provincelands?
I'm all for it. The Cape Cod Chamber says that the #2 thing people do here on vacation is "ride a bike" (#1 is "go to the beach"). It needs to be safe for people with no local knowledge to be able to get around by bike, and it needs to be safe for people who bike year-round. By the way, the young man who was killed by a car on Route 6 in 2011 wasn't even riding a bike -- he was walking his bike on the side of the road.

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