Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Blogathon Ends; Regular Programming Resumes
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Blogathon Ends; Regular Programming Resumes
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Monday, May 30, 2011
Wordletime at Chez Sven!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:57 PM
Wordletime at Chez Sven!
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Prez. Hall Birdhouse Auction: For Kids, too!
Kaarina was here from Pennsylvania for Memorial Day weekend
I liked Celeste Makeley's "Community Chicken Coop,"
But back to Kaarina and her mom.
People jostled at the stage with last-minute bids as Bruce Bierhans
Once the silent auction was over, we proceeded upstairs for the live auction, mc-ed by none other than Seth Rolbein.
The crowd seemed nonplussed when Seth presented what he called "a house for modern birds,"
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:19 PM
Prez. Hall Birdhouse Auction: For Kids, too!
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (9)

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wellfleet Oysters Make the NYT, Again!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:38 PM
Wellfleet Oysters Make the NYT, Again!
Alexandra Grabbe
Wellfleet oysters|
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Wellfleet oysters
What Happens When the Innkeeper Gets Sick?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What Happens When the Innkeeper Gets Sick?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Friday, May 27, 2011
Chez Sven's Landscaping Gets Facelift
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Chez Sven's Landscaping Gets Facelift
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (8)

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Erosion Update
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:38 AM
Erosion Update
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

What's Happening Memorial Day Weekend?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
What's Happening Memorial Day Weekend?
Alexandra Grabbe
birdhouses|Memorial Day events|Wellfleet|
Comments (0)

Memorial Day events,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I love its sea-scented tangy air,
I love its brisk southwest breeze,
I love the shore birds, the autumn breeze,
The sparkling beaches, the basking sun,
The sports, the sailing, the diversified fun.
There’s no perfect land on this mortal sod,
But you’re the nearest to it when you’re on Cape Cod."
Do you know where this Official Poem of Barnstable County by Dr. Fred. G. Rollins is posted in Wellfleet?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (6)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What Has Happened to the Weather?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:35 AM
What Has Happened to the Weather?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Where I Write ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:20 AM
Where I Write ...
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (7)

Monday, May 23, 2011
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Johnathan Kendall
thirty plus years has had the opportunity to admire the doors on Wellfleet’s former Catholic Church, now re-purposed as Preservation Hall, our new community center. Ever since 1976, when the colorful woodcarvings first attracted my eye, I have wondered about the artist who created the soulful images. Who was Johnathan Kendall? What happened to him? Was he a native of Cape Cod? These questions and more were answered Friday evening at a talk by Mark Gabrielle, curator of an unusual show, which will showcase 30 woodcarvings from June 30 to September 5, Prez. Hall’s first.
At the beginning of the talk, Mark warned the audience that the story he was about to relate was not a happy one. Kendall had a difficult early life, although he did travel to Europe where he was exposed to religious art. His mother disowned him on his 18th birthday, an event that made the son leave New England and move west where he lived in a cabin and made icons. The “woodcarving nomad” visited Cape Cod in 1976. He created our doors in exchange for a small food stipend, and the right to pitch a tent in the churchyard. Barter became a way of life. Kendall often visited monasteries and discovered a certain kinship with the monks. It was in the late 1970s, Gabrielle reported, that Kendall started a workshop on icon-making at an “experimental monastery” in Arizona. (Read more here.) It was there that he fell in love with John Kreyche, a “strong silent type.” The two married and were inseparable until 1991 when Kreyche disappeared without a trace. Kendall was heartbroken. “He wanted to make a living from his art, but it never worked out that way,” Gabrielle said sadly. Kendall died in 2004 in a New Mexico nursing home.
As part of the renovation project,
While Wellfleetians have grown to love these doors,

Johnathan Kendall’s doors are one of Wellfleet’s special treasures. I’m grateful to Mark Gabrielle for the painstaking research he did on the artist, answering all my questions, as well as for putting together a show of Kendall’s work. Visitors to Wellfleet can look forward to seeing some of Kendall’s other woodcarvings this summer. Since the artist was prolific, picking up a piece of his art at the flea market also remains an intriguing option ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Johnathan Kendall
Alexandra Grabbe
Johnathan Kendall|Wellfeet Preservation Hall|woodcarving|
Comments (8)

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wellfleet: Trendy, or What?
Here at Chez Sven Blog, we know all about
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:33 AM
Wellfleet: Trendy, or What?
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

A May Day in the Life
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:03 AM
A May Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Reflections on Visiting the Wampanoag Exhibit at the National Seashore
“The settlers had no rights whatsoever. They believed in their own rights. They were like conquistadors. I just read a long article on the subject. The first ones, who came to Jamestown, were looking for gold. The other ones in the 1630s, up here, were also conquistadors, but had to compromise. They had to live on the land. There was no gold. The people who came afterwards were more interested in land. And, that’s the America we have today.”
Greedy, in other words.
Last week I watched Smoke Signals, a great film about modern day "Indians." I'm learning about real Native Americans on Quincy Tahoma Blog. They respected the land. The indigenous people did not have a concept that anyone could own land.
Puritans came after Pilgrims, and Puritans did not even bother to pay for land.
Did the Wampanoags understand the sale of 12,000 acres for Plimouth Plantation? I doubt it. The tribe had already been decimated by disease.
“The natives were exterminated by illnesses,” Sven went on.
Some survived. The brave Wampanoag weavers and carvers are their descendents.
My ancestors did not bring the germs that caused the epidemic, nor push Native Americans west and then restrict them to reservations. On my father’s side, my family lived in Russia. On my mother’s side, both families lived in England for two more centuries. Nonetheless, when I encounter Wampanoags, I feel regret at how the indigenous people were treated. Do you feel the same way?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Reflections on Visiting the Wampanoag Exhibit at the National Seashore
Alexandra Grabbe
Cape Cod National Seashore|Native Americans|Wampanoag|
Comments (7)

Friday, May 20, 2011
"Hello? Chez Sven After Hours ..."
ME: “Chez Sven, hello?”
CALLER: “How far are you from the Gstalt Center?”
ME, (in reflex-response mode): “Chez Sven is 8/10ths of a mile from the center of Wellfleet.”
CALLER: “Do you serve just breakfast? Could we come tomorrow for breakfast, or does one have to stay there, too?”
ME: “Sorry, but we only serve breakfast to our guests.”
CALLER: “Next time I’ll stay with you.”
ME: “Just so you know, there’s a two-night minimum.”
CALLER: “Thanks. Bye.”
ME: “Bye.”
SVEN: “What did they want?”
ME: “Breakfast! Just breakfast”
SVEN: “Well, this is a bed AND breakfast. What do you expect?”
1.) I should have responded, “Chez Sven After Hours,” as Janet of Stone Lion Inn suggested in 2010, and that way the caller would have realized it was really too late to be phoning a B&B.
2.) Word of our great organic breakfasts must be getting out ....
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
"Hello? Chez Sven After Hours ..."
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Think Green! Come to the Third Annual Eco-Expo!

Eco-Expo will also feature Quirky Circus at noon, worms, composters, Elspeth Hay, and much more. As Wellfleet's Health and Conservation agent Hillary Greenberg-Lemos has said, “By getting together, learning and having fun, we hope that our communities will strengthen their commitment to more environmentally safe living.” Here's your chance to interact with our Cape and Islands Local Food reporter, discover Derek's marvels, and brush up on new ways to save our planet.
While we are talking recycling, note that our Commission is again
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Think Green! Come to the Third Annual Eco-Expo!
Alexandra Grabbe
Derek Diedricksen|Eco-Expo|environment|
Comments (6)

Derek Diedricksen,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Farmers' Market Opens at Preservation Hall

Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:18 AM
Farmers' Market Opens at Preservation Hall
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

Forum Holds Meeting About Recycling Options
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Forum Holds Meeting About Recycling Options
Alexandra Grabbe
recycling|Wellfleet Recycling Commission|
Comments (4)

Wellfleet Recycling Commission
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