Happy December! Now that we are shifting seasons, I will not be writing blog posts every day, as I have done for the past five months. Yesterday I wrote haiku based on a photo of summer, because, with winter coming on, more of you are already dreaming of warm, summer days. Here in Wellfleet we are fortunate to be able to go to the beach at other times of the year as well, and the ocean always looks different. Sven and I saw the lady above during one of our walks this fall. She had staked out a spot down Newcomb Hollow Beach and was meditating. The calm ocean made me want to join her!
This morning my in-box contained a note from WHAT to the effect that Yule for Fuel was sold out on Saturday night, and theater staff had to turn people away. (If you’re coming up next weekend, book now for the second Yule for Fuel performance.) Yesterday the Economic Development Committee got together here at Chez Sven for a potluck dinner, which was great fun. We did not talk “business” until the end when someone mentioned the National Seashore event at the Atwood Higgins house had drawn a crowd, as did two special art sales at Wellfleet galleries. That’s when a gleam came into Paul Pilcher’s eye in contemplation of all the future activities Wellfleet could organize for non-residents in town over the Thanksgiving holiday ….