"I came to Cape Cod because of the water. Well .... not exactly. It was the margin between the water and the land that I came for ...." So begins curator Terry Gips' introduction to the catalog of a new exhibit, half at our library, half at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, until the end of the month. My photo, above, is not a part of "Water." I simply posted the photo because I had thought of submitting last winter when I happened upon an announcement downtown but the deadline had already passed.
"It's a wonderful exhibit, one of the best I've seen," pronounced Jaya Karlson, folding up a yoga mat after a session in the library hearing room, whose walls were adorned with paintings, photos, collages depicting ... water.
I agree. "Kettle Pond Swimmer" by Mark Adams particularly caught my eye.
Get out and see this exhibit! In itself, "Water" is worth a trip to Wellfleet.