Saturday, March 14, 2009

In Search of Artists for the Chamber Coloring Book

Sven and I went into town today. Despite the pleasant weather, Wellfleet was woefully quiet. As the goals of the Citizens' Economic Development Commission danced through my head, I realized how far Wellfleet must go to extend its season year-round. Quite an undertaking! I must admit to an ulterior motive for today's walk. Sarah Robin, of the Flying Fish, hopes to put together a coloring book to benefit the Wellfleet Chamber, but the drawings are not exactly steaming in. So, I volunteered to try and drum up interest. We passed a few locals sitting in the sun outside the liquor store. There was a real person in the first Main Street gallery we entered, but he was on the phone and would not interrupt the conversation except for a customer, which I obviously was not. The shop gets points for being open at all, but I crossed him off my list, and left, unwilling to sit around and wait. Hmmm. Not a very auspicious beginning. We proceeded on down Bank Street, past the Blue Heron Gallery, closed. There was a truck outside The Juice, but it turned out to belong to an electrician. The next few galleries were all closed, too. I spotted Audrey Parent outside the Left Bank Gallery. We chatted about mention of her gallery in the New York Times two weeks ago, which had already increased winter foot traffic. Audrey said she would relay the request for drawings to her artists. Sven and I then peeked inside what used to be a furniture shop, now Celeste's Gallery, but the artist was nowhere in sight. On we went past Mac's Shack, to Quiet Mind Studio. The old red Mooney building was totally deserted although I did see Sam Bradford drive up in a truck. By then, I realized the friendly handshake method was not going to suffice. I found lots of great images for a coloring book, but no artists to draw them. If I wanted designs, email and phone would be the only way to go. Sven and I continued up Railroad Avenue where we saw a folk-art mailbox. We enjoyed our walk but returned empty-handed ....