Sunday, August 31, 2008
Quiche, Anyone?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:06 PM
Quiche, Anyone?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Zinnias Brighten Wellfleet Gardens in Fall
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:00 AM
Zinnias Brighten Wellfleet Gardens in Fall
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wellfleet's Beautiful Polluted Ponds ...
Dyer Pond. Beautiful, quiet, serene, polluted. Polluted? Yup. This morning NPR brought the news that pharmaceuticals have been detected in the ponds of Cape Cod. Also, this morning, the Seventh Generation newsletter informed its readers about the Devra Lee Davis Charitable Foundation, the only such organization to actively raise public awareness about the environmental causes of cancer and work for change on this issue. I went to the site and on the first page found questions about cell phone usage, a subject I have covered often in this blog. The incidence of cancer has increased 48% from 1950 to 1990. Remember Tom Lehrer? "Don't drink the water, and don't breathe the air. Pollution, pollution, wear a gas mask and a veil. You'll be all right, as long as you don't inhale." Sometimes we do not remember lyrics correctly. My mind retained YOU'LL BE ALL RIGHT. In fact, the correct verse is THEN YOU CAN BREATHE. (Read full song here.) We were warned back then, but people did not pay attention. We wanted to be all right, so we believed in government. Corporations got richer and richer. Their lobbyists managed to crush opposition to environmental reform. The world became more and more polluted. Now, at last, people are beginning to pay attention. If we band together, there is hope for the future. Considering a charitable donation this fall? How about the Debra Lee Davis Charitable Foundation?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:10 AM
Wellfleet's Beautiful Polluted Ponds ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Twittering Away the Time at Chez Sven
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:18 PM
Twittering Away the Time at Chez Sven
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Problem with Late August
Late August is a time of year which I do not especially like.
A cool breeze comes up around four o'clock, whispering, as it meanders through the garden, "Goodbye, goodbye, say goodbye to summer." The flowers, powerhouses of growth through July and most of August, suddenly stall, as if their engines needed lubricant. The light is different, too. It slants in through the windows for a briefer period each afternoon. At night, the cotton blanket no longer provides enough warmth. Oh, yes, there is no denying it. Fall is on the way. Even the tourists at Gull Pond seemed a bit wistful yesterday when I accompanied Sven over for a swim. (That is his head in the water, beside the sunfish.)
Children, soon heading back to school, wielded their shovels more purposely or used no shovel at all, determined to get as much play out of the last day at the beach as possible. Some of the older locals, down for a swim, seemed relieved at the imminent end to high season. The craziness of not finding a parking space behind town hall would soon be over. It will be possible to go out on Route 6 again without fearing traffic.
This morning one of my friends rubbed his hands as he told me with obvious glee, "Just one more week of rentals and I can move back into my house." How strange is that, a town where everyone hands their precious homes over to strangers for eight weeks each summer, year after year? In late August, we all know Wellfleet will soon become normal again. Summer ends after Labor Day for many locals because they get to reclaim their homes. Time to enjoy the beauty of fall and look forward to Oysterfest, the street party that unites residents and non-residents in a celebration of the lowly oyster. The joyous atmosphere that washes over our beloved town the weekend after Columbus Day is, in fact, due to the end of a long tourist season ...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:01 PM
The Problem with Late August
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
How Chemicals May Be Killing Off Lobsters
Lobsters are big business here on Cape Cod.
Every fish store and fish restaurant sells lobster. The lobsters from Long Island Sound to Southern New England have been dying due to a problem affecting their shells, which apparently look as if they have been eroded by acid. Now scientists think they have solved the mystery. It seems the culprit is alkylphenols, which do not break down in the low-oxygen water at the depths of the ocean, that murky kingdom, which lobsters call home. These alkylphenols come from wastewater. They get into wastewater when people use and dispose of cosmetics, plastics, and detergents. Regular blog readers know many chemicals are not good for people, anymore than they are good for lobsters. I have harped on the dangers of cosmetics quite often here and always cringe when the occasional guest shows up with an artillery array of spray bottles, creams, and other so-called beauty products. Check the safety of yours at this Web site. Don’t you think we should take note of yet another canary in the coalmine? Overuse of man-made chemicals is NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH. For further information on this discovery by Woods Hole scientists, read Doug Fraser’s Cape Cod Times article “Man-made chemicals tied to sick lobsters”.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:03 AM
How Chemicals May Be Killing Off Lobsters
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Need to Relax? Get a Wellfleet Massage
Pain in my neck, the result of too much computer last month,
made me decide it was time for a professional massage. Wellfleet offers many great massage options. I chose to call Tracy Plaut, based on the recommendation of a summer guest who is a chiropractor and went more than once during his three-night stay at Chez Sven. I was not disappointed. The séance began with Tracy requesting my medical history. I then mounted the steps into a unique space, perfect for its purpose: complete relaxation. We chatted during the massage, making me realize we had common friends.
I appreciated the fact that she had fit me in despite other evening plans. Tracy explained with a gentle smile that her lunch hour, too, had been turned over to a client with pain. She does her best to receive anyone in pain as soon as she can. I asked about the competition from Quiet Minds down Commercial Street, and learned there is enough business in town to create a non-competitive referral system, based on a patient's needs. Tracy has a background as a nurse and also does reflexology. She has been in Wellfleet two years but already has quite a clientele, and no wonder. The massage was wonderful.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:52 AM
Need to Relax? Get a Wellfleet Massage
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
When Is Wellfleet's Off-Season?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:41 AM
When Is Wellfleet's Off-Season?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Problems an Innkeeper Sometimes Faces ...
Every once and a while things break down.
That happened today with our washing machine. It has run perfectly, cycle after cycle, for five years. Now, in the middle of high season, it decided enough was enough. The thing no longer spins. I had to remove the contents, call the repairman, wash the linens by hand, hang them up wet to dry, wringing both my sheets and my hands during the experience. The repairman will not be able to come until Tuesday, so then I had to order some new sheets, earlier than planned, in order to be sure we had enough for the guests to come later this week. As if losing the washing machine was not bad enough, the bathtub in Liberty Coin Suite decided to back up while I was rinsing the sheets! Fortunately, Sven was able to solve that problem.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:37 PM
Problems an Innkeeper Sometimes Faces ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Life's a Beach!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:47 AM
Life's a Beach!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
An August Day in the Life
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:03 PM
An August Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
Weird Weather!
This morning I received a nice note from a guest who was here last month: "We really enjoyed our time at Chez Sven and will try to get back again soon. Meanwhile, I now feel comfortable recommending a place to stay in one of my favorite places on earth."... All our current guests scurried home
when they saw the huge storm cloud forming on the horizon. Gradually the sky got darker and darker. Then the wind began, whipping the maple tree out front around and scattering green leaves all over the lawn. Finally, we had hail, quite unusual here on Cape Cod in summer, before heavy rain with thunder booming overhead. Once the storm was over, our guests went to Newcomb Hollow Beach for one last quick swim. They reported back that the beach was covered with hailstones, and access to the ocean felt "like walking on ice cubes."
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:17 PM
Weird Weather!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Lavender Wands: A Great Activity for Cloudy Days
The Grosso lavender in our garden has just bloomed.
One of our guests noticed and asked if she might pick some stalks for lavender wands, destined to be waved by the members of her Girl Scout troop back home. I was delighted to say yes, since I need to prune the lavender back anyway.
Her daughter presented me with one of the wands her mom had already woven. Our guest then proceeded to show me how to make lavender wands myself.
It takes patience, obviously. And, time. Both of which are sorely lacking around here in mid-summer. Anyway, I watched as she skillfully made her first wand of the day. First, 13 stalks are trimmed of all but the lavender buds. Ribbon is tied around the 13 stalks, which must be green, not brown. They are then turned back upon themselves, as shown in the photo. Finally, the ribbon is interwoven with care and tied in a neat bow. What a great activity, especially on cloudy summer days! I cannot wait to teach my granddaughter! Thanks Susie & Rebekah!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:15 PM
Lavender Wands: A Great Activity for Cloudy Days
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
New Documentary on Lyme Disease & Great Pond
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:14 PM
New Documentary on Lyme Disease & Great Pond
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Reviews Controversy
There has been some controversy recently about bed & breakfast reviews. I received an email from ILOVEINNS.COM, requesting that we advise our guests NOT to send reviews to Trip Adviser. It seems this site belongs to, which promotes large hotels and also takes a sizable chunk out of every check a member receives from a referral, even if the bed & breakfast only has three rooms and is seasonal. Therefore, we quickly decided was not for us if we were to make a living in this industry and stopped our membership. Think corporation, monopoly, squeeze the small guy. All of the large bed & breakfast associations are trying to get innkeepers to request that their guests send in reviews, an imposition in my humble opinion.
Guests, who have enjoyed their stay here, can sign the guestbook. We have four years of favorable comments on the Bookings page of our Web site, for anyone who may be interested in reading them. Some people write about the gardens, some favor the seclusion and birdsong in the morning. Our latest guests wrote such an unusual note, that I feel compelled to share it here: From Tim: “This is what you dream of when you think Cape Cod. This was quaint, well-kept and, most importantly, very friendly. Know that we plan on coming up again, if at all possible. From Caroline: “What a delight! What wonderful people at Chez Sven! I believe Sven said something like ‘nice to see you,’ and instead of thinking about how he meant ‘meet,’ I thought, Ah, yes, nice to see you (again) since really we are only brothers and sisters whose sons knew each other before and are seeing each other once again.” And the couple signed their notes with hearts. Happy guests mean we must be doing something right ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:17 PM
The Reviews Controversy
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Old Houses, Anyone?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:17 PM
Old Houses, Anyone?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Innkeeping
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:59 AM
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Innkeeping
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, August 09, 2008
Blackfish and The Juice, Cont.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:53 AM
Blackfish and The Juice, Cont.
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, August 08, 2008
Dining out in Wellfleet (Truro): The Blackfish
For almost a year I have been wanting to go to the Blackfish restaurant
located in the old Blacksmith Shop, just outside Truro center. This week I had my chance and was not disappointed. The décor is pleasing and unusual. (Note the cut-out fish on the door!) Blackfish is an excellent place to dine. Our appetizers of heirloom tomatoes were yummy. The presentation was so extraordinary that we all kept craning our necks to see what other guests were being served. I had one of the specials – grilled bass with fingerling potatoes, served on a bed of leeks. The sauce was light, the fish cooked to perfection. (How did it compare with the grilled bass special at The Juice last month? Sophistication? Combination of flavors? Price? Probably all three.) My hostess had the sole, which was also good. For dessert, chocolate cake with homemade coffee ice cream. The dessert was so tasty that the waitress took a clean plate back to the kitchen.
I was especially struck by the efficiency of the waitresses, totally with it, calm and collected in a hectic environment. The room was full, and the only caveat that needs mentioning was the noise. As is the case with many of the local restaurants, owners do not seem to think of soundproofing dining areas during renovation. Reservations are a must here. The Blackfish belongs to Eric Jansen, of Wicked Oyster fame. He definitely knows how to create meals that are an experience to remember. Bravo!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:11 AM
Dining out in Wellfleet (Truro): The Blackfish
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008
The Granola Challenge
In the left-hand corner we have Trader Joe’s Maple Pecan Granola, winner of the 2008 title Best Granola of the Year, attributed in May by Consumer Reports. In the center stands a new contender from England, Dorset Cereal’s Fruits & Nuts, purple box, which “does not scrimp on the flakes” and is one of eight varieties, not all of which are available in the USA. And, finally, to the right, bursting with organic goodness we find Sandy’s homemade granola. Which will win our impromptu competition? The judge this morning is our favorite actress, cousin Nadia, fresh from a Broadway role. “This is a fantastic way to start my day!” she declares, sitting down gracefully at the outside breakfast table. A few spoonfuls of Contender Number One are deposited into a corner of her plate. She adds yogurt and goes to it. After swirling the mixture around in her mouth with the conscientious application of a long-time granola and yogurt consumer, Nadia says, “This is yummy. Is there cinnamon? Tastes like brown sugar, with a little maple syrup perhaps.” Contender Number Two is up to the plate. “Mmm,” says Nadia after mixing in the yogurt and placing a spoonful in her mouth. “I can definitely taste the almonds and raisins. Very oats and some flour. Hmm. There’s less flavor. But I like the consistency. Feels very ….. clean.” Time for Contender Number 3. Nadia takes a dainty spoonful, adds yogurt, consumes. “You can definitely taste the cashews.” She rolls her eyes over to one side, testing the consistency. “Not too hard to crunch. This one is perfect. I like the clusters, too. What is the sweetness? Coconut? …. There’s a softness to it. You don’t have to serve it with milk.” And the winner is – da-duh! – Contender Number Three, Sandy’s homemade organic granola, recipe courtesy of Nick Grabbe. Thank you, Nick!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:58 AM
The Granola Challenge
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Cape Crusader?
online site dedicated to sustainable living. It featured Chez Sven on June 25. The writer did not bother to contact me, however, which is a shame. I would have provided a photo of our magnificent new green room and a press release! In any case, we are glad to have the publicity. We are not really Cape Crusaders. That's a great title, but not true. I wish we were. I simply do not have enough time to spread the word to other innkeepers on the Cape except through this blog because I have a second activity outside of innkeeping. My other "profession" is writing. Sven has been away in Sweden on his vacation, and I have used the two months to revise the first part of a new manuscript. He is coming home on Thursday and can hardly wait. His home in Stromstad is beautiful, but Wellfleet remains in a class by itself...
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:23 AM
Cape Crusader?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, August 04, 2008
Which Welllfeet Beach to Choose?
When it comes to great beaches, Wellfleet, has many choices in summer.
One of my favorites is Duck Harbor. I have had a lot of searches for Duck Harbor recently, so people must be realizing how beautiful that bay beach is with Provincetown in the distance. The ocean beaches all have their charm. If watching surfers is your thing, LeCount Hollow has become the surfers' beach of choice this year, to the distress of families with young children. My current guests have a National Seashore pass, so they go to Marconi. My guests this past weekend went to Cahoon Hollow where they saw a band from their native Texas put on quite a show at the Beachcomber. The folks in the cottage practically camped out at Cahoon Hollow. They love it there. Often people do not realize that a sticker is required to access Wellfleet's town beaches. It is possible to buy a day pass at two of them: White Crest and Cahoon. Sometimes there is fog at the ocean and so the bay becomes more attractive. Personally, I like the ocean at low tide and the bay at high tide. Power's Landing is a nice bay beach, not too far from town. It is colorful, too, with its row of kayaks. Which beach do you prefer?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:47 PM
Which Welllfeet Beach to Choose?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, August 03, 2008
Guests Whom You Remember ...
When you are an innkeeper and guests are continuously
coming and going all summer, after a while there is the risk that the faces become a blur. I do my best to remember everybody, but sometimes do not succeed. Today was the PMC race. It passed up on Long Pond Road. I was too busy with breakfast to go and take photos. My Green Room guests did walk up, however, and reported bikers whizzing past. My other guests this week were from France. When I was cleaning up the room after they had left, I found an unusual note from the ten-year-old daughter, written on a heart-shaped balloon. The note said, "Merci beaucoup." She is one guest I will remember!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:47 PM
Guests Whom You Remember ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, August 02, 2008
Wellfleet Library Raises Money For Solar Panels
Wellfleet’s library has always been a happening-place.
Now the library is looking to install solar panels, a great idea, and has already started a campaign to raise money. The goal is $30,000, to match a gift of the same amount by an anonymous donor. In the few short weeks since Elaine McIlroy, our Mother-Superior librarian, marched in the Fourth of July parade with a sign about the project, over $10,000 has been raised. The plan is for a 14-kilowatt array of solar panels on the library roof. There will be a special table Sunday, August 10, at the second annual book sale on the lawn in front of town hall. At this table, marked “Solar,” visitors will find signed items from local writers and musicians. The proceeds will benefit the solar energy project.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:18 AM
Wellfleet Library Raises Money For Solar Panels
Alexandra Grabbe
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