The Wellfleet Historical Society is on a roll. Town Meeting approved Article 15, allotting $100,000 from Community Preservation Funds for restoration of the museum’s east wing. The previous article provided $73,500, also from Community Preservation Funds, for historic restoration of Cannon Hill/Hamblen Park. (A few trees at the top, facing west, will be trimmed or removed to restore the view of Wellfleet Harbor. Steps will be replaced. Native plants will be added to halt erosion.) Above, a photo of one of the new rooms, revealed to a curious public during OysterFest. "Tools of Land and Sea" will be on display when the museum opens for summer. And, then there's the Art on the Porch workshops which will take place again, led by Judith Stiles, and plans for an exhibit of “sunken art treasures.” For full information, attend the Community Open House from 1 to 4 on Sunday, May 26th.
Connie · 672 weeks ago
My recent post Thankful Thursday- Unexpected Friends