Friday, May 11, 2012

Cape Cod Times Publishes Op-Ed on Glyphosate

Yesterday the Cape Cod Times published an op-ed I wrote for its column My View. My piece contains important information. In case you do not get the CCT, here's the text:

"May I make a confession? A decade ago I tried to kill my mom’s Virginia creeper by spraying it repeatedly with Roundup. This mindless act took place before I became an environmental activist, before NStar decided to use glyphosate under the power lines, before I learned how toxic the world’s most popular weed-killer is.

Chemical companies prey on non-scientific types like me. Surely their products would not be for sale were they dangerous? Surely the EPA has investigated their toxicity? Why else would Roundup-ready crops have been approved for use across America?

The truth is, tens of thousands of unregulated chemicals are currently manufactured and marketed here. Like stealth agents, they have infiltrated our lives. The chemical industry works hard to make people believe their products are safe, but many chemicals are proving harmful to health.

The industry gives these substances unpronounceable names like polycholorinated- biphenyl or polybrominated-diphenyl-ether. Recently the media created acronyms which are easier to retain. More consumers now recognize PCB, BPA and PBDE, and try to avoid them – not such an easy task.

Here’s what you may encounter in a single day: In the home or school: toxic cleansers. At the office: toxic dust that contributes to infertility. In the kitchen: organopesticide residue on fruit and veggies. At the checkout counter: BPA-coated cash register receipts. In the bedroom: flame-retardant mattresses. In the bathroom: skin products made with phthalates, an estrogen-mimic that is believed to increase breast cancer risk and may contribute to obesity. Since thousands of toxic chemicals exist, let’s focus in on one: glyphosate, the main ingredient in my bottle of Roundup.

When I sprayed Mom’s Virginia creeper, I had no idea I was using a poison. Sure, I saw the “precautionary statements” of “hazards to humans & domestic animals” on the label and the “Notice: Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with directions.” What I did not know then is that glyphosate has been linked to birth defects and is considered an endocrine disruptor.

Endocrine disruptor? Think of a hormonal train making stops within the fetus as it develops. If all goes well, the hormonal messages get to their destinations. Cells develop normally. But toxic chemicals can derail the messengers. The most critical period, the period you really do not want derailment, is pregnancy. ADHD may be one result.

Exposure to pesticides has also been linked to autism. “Certain pesticides are believed to alter thyroid function, interfere with brain development and cause deficits in cognitive functions in the developing fetus,” reveals the Endocrine Disruption page at

And, emerging science indicates endocrine disruptors can create adverse biological effects at lower doses than previously suspected.

Two years ago I force-fed myself a science diet in order to understand what would result from NStar’s arbitrary switch to herbicidal spraying. I learned glyphosate does not break down easily. It will filter through our sandy soil and contaminate Cape Cod’s sole-source aquifer.

A Swedish study reported a higher incidence of Parkinson disease amongst farmers who use glyphosate. American farmers, who plant Roundup-ready crops, find themselves obliged to use more herbicides than ever before as weeds have become resistant to the chemical. Super weeds, ADHD, breast cancer, birth defects, Parkinson’s, infertility …

So, where’s the good news? The Safe Chemicals Act, a bill that seeks to regulate toxic chemicals, is now before Congress and, last week, Senator John Kerry signed on as a co-sponsor.

What of my mom’s Virginia creeper? I didn’t even manage to kill the damn thing. And, Roundup remains prominently displayed in your local hardware store. Don’t buy it.

Got weeds? Try vinegar."

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Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 671 weeks ago

Excellent reminder, particularly this time of year when everyone is buying weed killer and poisoning the land.
Emailed by Sandra Larsen: "Outstanding My View piece!You nailed it! Let's picture a community, state, country and globe where consumers are protected instead of bamboozled......every person educated by your piece will help manifest it!"
I used to use it too and never would again. I'm glad you're educating people about this!
Excellent piece! Nice that it is getting lots of eyes. Thanks for the important reminder, as always.
Thanks for educating so many people about environmental toxins through your writing!
My recent post What to do with an out-of-sync friendship
Emailed by Leslie: "Congratulations on the publication of your op-ed. We--all of us who like to breathe and drink and eat-- owe you a big thank you for your efforts and knowledge. Cheers for you!"
alisa bowman's avatar

alisa bowman · 671 weeks ago

I love your last line (who knew?) and the whole piece in general. Great job.
sarah henry's avatar

sarah henry · 671 weeks ago

Good on you. And a timely reminder to all the gardeners in your community.
My recent post Mother’s Day Special: A Family Tied by Apron Strings
So important to educate us- as it was said, the chemical companies prey on the scientifically it is our responsible to educate ourselves so we don't do things in ignorance. (of which I am the Number 1 culprit for)
My recent post oh great!
I've been thinking about this as it's time to start planning my garden. I haven't used any weed killers in the past, just relied on pulling them out when I saw them. I'm going to load up on vinegar.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Buy white vinegar, not apple cider vinegar, which attracts ants.
Excellent article Alexandra ~ FYI: Here's more info obtained from a comment on Dr. Mercola's website about glyphosate and the surfactant:

"DNA damage in at least 9 studies  This is only 1 of 29 diseases we have been able to connect to this dangerous herbicide formulation. One of the main problems with Roundup, versus glyphosate in isolation, is that Roundup contains a surfactant known as polyoxyethyleneamine which functions to reduce the surface tension between Roundup and the cells exposed to it, making the cellular membranes more permeable to absorbing glyphosate and other chemicals within the formula. The surfactant in Roundup may therefore be responsible for increasing the toxicity of glyphosate by several orders of magnitude higher (450-fold according to a new study: than it exhibits by itself."
I am going to do some research on vinegar. I never thought about it for garden needs. Congrats on your op-ed. That's terrific.
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Round-Up is evil. Unfortunately, it's the only thing we've found that kills poison ivy, which runs rampant around here and which my daughter and I are both severely allergic to (the guys don't get it). Fortunately, my husband very judiciously went around and carefully sprayed each sprig of the thousands of sprigs around here, and I think we're finally rid of it.
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Dude that awesome that you got published! Congratulations. I wonder if you'll convince anyone about the dangers about products like round up QuickPro?

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