Monday, May 14, 2012

Cape Codders Protest Pilgrim at Sagamore Bridge

“Construction Keeps Cape Traffic Clogged” read the headline this morning. I looked online for news of yesterday’s protest at the bridge but found none.
Last week the Cape Cod Times published a profile of one of the leaders of the movement to stop the re-licensing of the nuclear plant. I wrote about this issue in an earlier post. I also published a letter my post inspired, and Rep. Peake's response. There is no evacuation plan for Cape Cod. None is possible. Senator Dan Wolf and Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley have also taken a position on Pilgrim. I would have participated in the bridge protest but we had friends from France here and went to PB Boulangerie Bistro instead. I admire the protesters who spent their Mother's Day beside the bridge.
This morning I found some photos in my in-box, so I am passing a few on to you. I did not see anyone I recognized from Wellfleet, but one of the protesters was a prominent doctor from Provincetown. How do you feel about Pilgrim?

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A lack of evacuation route, and the disaster in Japan, are certainly cause for concern. However, I feel I cannot make a rational, informed decision about Pilgrim without more information. How similar is its reactor design to the flawed units in Japan? What are the chances of seismic activity in that area? How exposed is the site to intertidal waters and flood risks? Is there an emergency plan? How would the power output be replaced, what would the impact of such be on CO2 emissions and what would the financial cost be to consumers? Its a complicated issue and requires careful planning, not just reaction. Fukushima is the underreported story of our age and will have grave public health consequences for many decades., esp. in western and northern North America. We must all hope the situation there does not get worse.
Living Large 's avatar

Living Large · 671 weeks ago

I see one of the protestors holding a sign referencing Entergy. Is this who is planning on building the plant? That's who our electric company is as well. We have a huge electric producing dam just miles from us, but our electric comes from one of their nuclear power plants in New Orleans? Why? Because the state regulates how much they can charge for electric produced in Arkansas. It's much more profitable for them to produce electric from our dam and sell it at higher rates outside of the state and "truck" our electric in from nuke plants in NO. Make sense? Nah, it doesn't to us either. It looks like the world would be on high alert, especially after Japan's horrible disaster, which is not over yet.
Most of my family is on the Cape so yes, I am concerned about this.
Emailed by Femka: "Thanks for showing the pictures. I did go there but arrived one hour late -traffic was horrendous. I did show my banners but I guess they didn't make ik in the photo's. I was prepared to spend the afternoon there but people started leaving around 2.30 - 3pm. Since I needed 5 people to hold the banners I packed up and went home to Wellfleet. There was another woman there, named Olga, from Wellfleet. I'll try to go to the one at the Pilgrim plant next sunday. I had fun talking to my kids while stuck in traffic. That way I covered some of the mother's day spirit. Have fun with your guests from France."
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
I stand correctly. Glad to hear Wellfleet was represented.
I am concerned about nuclear power plants and generating energy this way. I think there are just too many problems associated with it. Let's harness solar power, a renewable, green, healthy energy source. And stay away from radiation and waste. It's nice to see the protesters. I feel like the Cape has a lot of good energy. Maybe it's everywhere but I am inspired by this blog and your commitment to community activism!
My recent post How Do You Encourage Your Family To Become Healthier Eaters?
All other energy sources should be explored before Nuclear energy is opted for- that should be the last one chosen- because even though there may not be as many pitfalls as Japan or Russia - it is just volatile to begin with. If there is no other choice- then of course there needs to be an evacuation plan in place- and if there isn't one- then alternate energy sources must be relied on.
My recent post Guest Post- It's London Baby Part I
I don't understand the concept of building something like this and having no evacuation plan. What kind of evacuation plan is there for a hurricane? Wouldn't it be the same?
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
There are signs that read Evacuation Route on Route 6, but everyone knows they are a joke. In case of a hurricane, we locals hunker down or leave way ahead of the storm in order to beat the traffic, and there is lots of traffic because the tourists do leave.

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