"I’m Brian, and I’m for whatever we can do to keep consciousness up,” said one man.
There were folks from Swampscott who actually came because of Wellfleet's listing on the Climate Dots page, so cool because they had never been to town before.
After personal statements, Chuck Cole led a version of “This Little Light” that began “From here in Wellfleet, out to all the world …”
A man rode by on a bike, pulling a stroller attachment.
I thought of the pollution fossil fuels cause to the environment and my conversation this morning over breakfast with a guest from Indiana, a professor who studies rodents before birth. He said his research had recently expanded to preemies. We have more premature births in our country than in many others. He told me about the prevalence of omphalocle in Indiana (the baby is delivered with intestines outside the body) and gastroschisis, conditions which increase dramatically the closer parents live to Michigan, due to industrial pollution. The numbers are increasing, and the stats will soon be coming to an environmental news bulletin near you, one the media may or may not choose to report on.
Meanwhile, Harriet was saying, “Sometimes we feel so powerless … (faced by the corporations) … but we have amazing power when we get together. As the movement grows, the tides of awareness will increase.”
Brian led everyone in “This land is your land."
Before walking to Uncle Tim's Bridge, Harriet mentioned tomorrow is the 150th anniversary of the death of Thoreau, who walked Cape Cod's outer beach. “I have a feeling he would stand with us,” she added.
When the bridge was rebuilt, it was built higher, due to climate change, Harriet told me. The waters will rise. Check here on whether your state is prepared for the impact of climate change on its water resources.
Check out Wellfleet on the 350.org Web site, posted by Bill McKibben.
Living Large · 671 weeks ago
My recent post The Stages of Eliminating Stuff