Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Showing Old Friends Around Wellfleet

There’s something special about old friends. As the Eagles sang in Hotel California, “Seeing old friends is good for the soul.” My friend Carolyn brought her recently retired husband here for the day yesterday. Jean had never been to Wellfleet and was enchanted.

The first time Carolyn came, we were collaborating on a Guide to Education for bilingual children. She remembers sitting in the water at Slough Pond, pencil in hand, while my mother chatted with her best friend, Nancy Macdonald. I remember the presence of Carolyn’s daughter, who will begin Harvard Graduate School of Education in the fall. Geraldine was only four years old at the time.

Jean grew up in Normandy. The minute we stepped out of the car at Cahoon Hollow, I knew he has a special connection to the sea. We did not go down onto the beach, but he was itching to feel the sand between his toes. Just the view made him take deeper breaths. What a difference from life in the city!

After the ocean, we proceeded through Wellfleet to Cape Cod Bay. We stopped at the Chequessett Yacht & Country Club, because Jean loves to play golf, and Wellfleet has such a beautiful golf course. (Hint, hint.)

Then, it was on to Duck Harbor Beach. Sections have been roped off for nesting shore birds. Jean actually took off his shoes and socks in order to test the water, then pronounced it “cold!”

Tomorrow I will post more photos of our visit to Duck Harbor. For now, I'm still enjoying the buzz. Seeing old friends produces such a warm fuzzy feeling ....

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Oh I love having old friends visit- And I love friends who have not been to my particular location- I find that I see my area through their eyes- it makes me fall in love with where I am living all over again...makes me see how beautiful it is.
My recent post Tree Tuesday- Obscure branches
I love introducing new people to Wellfleet, my favorite place in the world. Driving down Chequessett Neck Road or standing on top of the dune at Cahoon Hollow are two things that will never grow old for me! Your blog is wonderful, I really enjoy have some "Wellfleet" in my inbox everyday.
My recent post Early May Weekend on Nantucket

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