“I went through the 5-point proposal at a pretty fast clip. Tracey Hunt was great and tied in her experiences as a commercial-district business-owner to things that had come up earlier in the evening, specifically parking issues in the Town Center: ie. 'Have problems with Main Street parking issues? Encourage your staff [and others] to carpool, walk or bike to work.' Dale Donovan was especially supportive of the Green Conferences idea.” (Go, Dale!) “I made sure to ask for a Green Commitment from the Selectmen to implement the proposal. Ira Wood was supportive and gave the board’s ‘blessing’ but did ask for more specifics. A public educational program is also needed,” (which is the workshops-part of the proposal).
The Green Communities Act had been discussed earlier in the meeting. "This is a real opportunity for the town,” Town Administrator Paul Sieloff declared.
For details on these new developments, I suggest the Banner.
Melanie @Frugal Kiwi · 738 weeks ago