"Many residents are concerned about the quality
Pesticides are made to kill and have not been fully tested with regard to the future of our environment, effects on wildlife and risks to public health. Toxic runoff will contaminate drinking water, fish and the foods we grow.
We must educate ourselves about the risks and seek alternatives when treating our land and choosing household cleaning products. Please join a Capewide effort to protect residents, tourists and our sole-source aquifer from contamination.
We are the stewards of Cape Cod. Whether you are a homeowner, business owner, golf course superintendent or landscaper, each one of us matters in helping to preserve and protect our unique habitat! What we do today affects the near future."
Let's hope this letter sparks a greater awareness of the toxic effects of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, all synthetic chemicals introduced after World War II, and will motivate everyone to seek alternatives!
Chris V · 739 weeks ago
Also, to comment on your earlier post with the meeting with Dan Wolf ~
It is vital that the law gets changed in MA to be the 10th state that allows communities to mandate pesticide use for their community. It is a total outrage for my husband and I that Cape Cod towns are unable to implement laws to protect our sole source aquifer from "Corporate Entities" (i.e. "N") and is an environmental deal-breaker for us as current residents in MA.
Yah, surprise ... surprise that Maine can pass such laws where Bush I enjoys his Kennebunkport getaway (as is Vermont ... not MA, not NH, not RI or CT). Only Nine States have this "freedom" in their local communities. This is a wrong law that needs to be overturned in this state IF residents hope to have control over their property investments, business investments and the health of our communities, families and children. Question of the day? Does YOUR state make the list?