I'm glad to report that other Wellfleetians have already taken action regarding opposition to the spraying of at least four herbicides beneath the power lines, a movement spearheaded by Kristen Shantz, who sent everyone concerned the following message: "Greetings, all. Tomorrow night, Tuesday, (8/25 @ 7pm at the COA), we will be going to the Selectman's meeting to voice our concerns regarding NSTAR's plan to use herbicides on our power lines. Because we did not meet the deadline for getting onto the formal agenda we will use the 'community speak' portion of the meeting to discuss alternatives to spraying. The community speak occurs at the beginning of the meeting. So far it appears that Eastham has successfully worked out an agreement with NSTAR to mow their power lines. Can you join us tomorrow evening?" Kristen also alerted me to Brent Harold's column in the Cape Cod Times.
At the beginning of the Selectmen’s meeting this evening Town Administrator Paul Sieloff summarized the situation regarding Nstar and stated he plans to meet with Nstar officials next Tuesday. Then Chair Dale Donovan asked Selectman Ira Wood to speak. Ira stated he would be for the creation of a bylaw that would prohibit the spraying of herbicides in Wellfleet and suggested the town needs to get its act together on this issue fast, prior to October 15. Selectman Michael May expressed his support and mentioned that, as a Vietnam Vet, he had witnessed friends sickened by Agent Orange.