Yesterday I saw a seven-year-old boy streak across the green in front of town hall, repeating over and over, loudly and with glee, “Ab-i-yo-yo, Ab-i-yo-yo.” With the accent on the last syllable, if you please. No doubt what was on his mind: shopping for toys! I got to admire the great collection put together by Cape Cod’s best toy store when my granddaughter was here last week. This store has something for everyone, including the kid that lurks in every grown-up. Not a nook or cranny is empty. There are toys everywhere. I even noticed care was taken to place baskets full of enticing objects at toddler-level.

Games, puzzles, books, toy animals, cards, t-shirts, sundresses, hats, puppets, yoyos! – there is something for everyone in this shop, so it is easy for elder siblings and friends to browse while junior picks out that very special treat. This is a challenge, I repeat, because of the selection. My daughter-in-law went home with several purchases. Before leaving today, our Liberty Coin guests planned to take one last foray into town, so their children could shop at Abiyoyo. They had come with a full car, but there is always room for one more great toy. Their kids, however, proved children will play with whatever is handy, including cushions. Just look at the wonderful hiding place they created in our living room this morning!