I am always intrigued by Google searches, which show up on my Stat Counter. Take a look at the most recent:
• Wellfleet health food store
• Wellfleet lodging with a cocktail bar
• Lyme disease St. Germain-en-Laye forest
• Environmental Activists Wellfleet
Let’s examine the last one first. The same person, who lives in DC, Googled Conservation in Wellfleet. Let’s hope the search was made by a like-minded soul, who found documentation of our efforts against NStar on this blog.
Wellfleet has not had a health food store for about 15 years, in the building that became the Flying Fish. How lovely it would be if someone created a new health food store here! For the time being, we have to travel to Orleans or Provincetown, where Bradford Natural Market, in the center of town, recently got a makeover.
Wellfleet lodging with a cocktail bar – as far as I know, none of the B&Bs open year-round offer clients a cocktail bar. I don’t even think any of the motels have a liquor license. That's a question for the ladies at town hall.
Lyme disease in St. Germain-en-Laye: Sven and I used to live in St. Germain a dozen years ago. Strange that Google linked my blog to this request! I do not think ticks with Lyme exist in France but could be wrong. Germany has them, as does Sweden. Sven liked to jog in the St. Germain forest. I don’t remember a lot of underbrush.
There have also been a flurry of searches for information on the PB Boulangerie, no doubt from non-residents trying to find out whether dining there will be an option over the Thanksgiving holiday. When we went by yesterday the restaurant was still not open, so I think the answer to that question is no.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday. Hopefully the new Web site will go up over the next couple days. This Thanksgiving I’m grateful for your patience and thankful that you all read Chezsven Blog!