The numbers for Oysterfest are out: Saturday 8000 people attended but only 2000 hardcore revelers came Sunday, in the pouring rain.
In the past, I have reported that the recession had not reared its head in Wellfleet, home to so many retirees. No longer true! Sam Cooks is going out of business. Sam cooked so summer vacationers could do other things. The folks at Wellfleet Marketplace followed suit, offering easy take-out "home-cooked" meals, in a market where recession left little wiggle room.
Finally, judging from the fact that our cottage is empty this weekend and not one person called or emailed to inquire about availability, either people have gotten much better at reading the availability calendar or the idea of a weekend in Wellfleet, the last balmy weekend of the year, has lost its appeal. The MA rate of unemployment has reached 10% and most of our winter guests come from Massachusetts …