Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Shop Opens on Main Street

It is with pleasure that we observe the creation of new businesses in Wellfleet. This year, over the winter, we watched the complete renovation of a building on Main Street, opposite Prudential Cape Shores Real Estate. A few months ago, the final paint job really made the Newcomb Hollow Shop stand out, and, when planters full of purple petunias materialized, I decided it was really time for a visit. Then, this week, a hat stand appeared out front. I love hats, so off I went with my camera. The shop belongs to Judith Newcomb Stiles, who is responsible for the pottery, and Sadie Green, a jeweler. There are lots of fun gadgets, as well as pottery and jewelry, a nice selection of watches and cards, and much more. The shop is bright and full of good cheer. I have no doubt that the Newcomb Hollow Shop will please tourists and natives alike. Welcome, Judith and Sadie!


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