Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Documentary Airs on 21st Century Artists in P-town
In the photo to the right, Rose Ireland paints at Chez Sven
in 2007. We exchanged accommodation for a painting. At Chez Sven, we believe artists should be encouraged. They have so much to contribute to society. It is not easy to survive in today's world by selling art. Indeed, being an artist who lives on the Outer Cape has become a challenge. Today NECN ran a great documentary on this subject. ArtSpirit beautifully summarizes contemporary living in Provincetown, where artists may hold three jobs during peak-months in order to pay rent and create art the rest of the year. To watch the trailer at Triumbrant Productions, click here.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:01 PM
Documentary Airs on 21st Century Artists in P-town
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Pleasant Memories of Wellfleet, 2008
Often, at the end of December, we like to think back over pleasant memories from the past year, and more specifically the last six months, the seasons of summer and fall. April saw the completion of our renovation project. The northern wing now boasts the most beautiful bathroom for miles around and a very green bedroom with vintage beams of yellow pine.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:19 PM
Pleasant Memories of Wellfleet, 2008
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
End-of-Year Gifts
It’s end-of-year gift time again. When you consider
which charities to support for 2008, please listen to this short message from Gillian Caldwell at 1Sky who emailed to thank me for caring: “In just a matter of months, by standing with more than 125,000 other climate advocates and more than 330 allied organizations, you've helped put climate, clean energy, and green jobs on the top of the agenda for the president-elect and the next Congress.”
End-of-year movies are also here. Visit Sven’s Distant Mirror blog to see which movie we actually saw in a theater this weekend.
End-of-year movies are also here. Visit Sven’s Distant Mirror blog to see which movie we actually saw in a theater this weekend.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
12:48 PM
End-of-Year Gifts
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:47 AM
Merry Christmas
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dyer Pond, in Winter
Walking to Dyer Pond ahead of Sven, I felt like the icebreaker, crunching along, past broken branches, deeper and deeper into the forest. Footprints indicated other beings had gone before, both human and animal. Deer, surely, from the paw size, or perhaps coyote? There were straight lines, too. Ski tracks? The lines could also be evidence of all-terrain bikers, out on a joy ride. Puddles had frozen, here and there, so the path proved quite treacherous. Hugging the snowy edge, I proceeded with caution, from time to time flinging my arms out for balance, like a tightrope walker. Down by the pond, as evening descended, ice formed in crisscross lines, cracking the surface in a vise-like grip, freezing the western corner for this week of holidays. If I could wrap a big red ribbon around Dyer Pond and present it to blog readers as a present, I would. Instead, here are two photos from yesterday's excursion.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:59 AM
Dyer Pond, in Winter
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Statistics Show Increase in International Tourism
No white Christmas for Wellfleet in 2008! The snow that fell, earlier this week, is almost all gone. Not much happening downtown. The fence posts beside Preservation Hall are adorned with Santa Claus caps, so Christmas cheer is on display, although there has been a call for help from local food pantries,
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:21 AM
Statistics Show Increase in International Tourism
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Winter Arrives in Wellfleet Ahead of Schedule
Wellfleet awoke to a winter wonderland. The branches are loaded down with at least an inch of snow. Flurries still fall and a second snowstorm is expected tomorrow. The snowplow has not yet descended Old King’s Highway, one of the last town roads to be plowed. We are grateful to be snug and warm inside today. With such low temperatures, the ponds may freeze early. Long Pond does not usually freeze until late January. Some years the ponds do not freeze at all. We have one returning guest who has asked me to let her know as soon as the ponds freeze so she can head out with ice skates. Below is a photo of social life on the ice, barbecue and all, taken several years ago at Long Pond. With this early winter, skeptics will soon be chattering on again that climate change is not happenning. Make no mistake. Global warming is a force we need to take very seriously. A CNN article about melting ice caught my eye this cold, cold morning. Once the ocean rises, Chez Sven might have beachfront property. But, then again, we may also be totally underwater ….
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:50 AM
Winter Arrives in Wellfleet Ahead of Schedule
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
More Reflections on Truro ...
Sven and I went walking in Truro this morning. We drove to Head of the Meadow Beach, in the National Seashore, hoping to see seals at low tide. Instead, all we got to admire was the savage landscape.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:32 PM
More Reflections on Truro ...
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
WCEC Holds First Meeting
Wellfleet is a playground for thousands of tourists in July and August. How can we encourage people to come to our little town in the other months as well? Yesterday I attended the first meeting of the Wellfleet Citizens Economic Commission, tasked by the Selectmen to come up with recommendations for economic development and report back in six to eight months. Assistant Town Manager Rex Peterson was present for reference and advice.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:43 PM
WCEC Holds First Meeting
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, December 15, 2008
David Wright Speaks on Cape & Islands Radio
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:48 PM
David Wright Speaks on Cape & Islands Radio
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
Why Would You Visit Wellfleet in Winter?
Yesterday Sven and I watched the sunset over Wellfleet Harbor, (above and below). Today we walked briskly to Great Pond as the sun was going down. Unfortunately I had left my camera at home and cannot share the beauty of the soft pink light as it spread across the surface of the water, nor the bright orange rim at the Dyer Pond tree line, visible on our way back. As we were returning home, I realized people who love Wellfleet would have enjoyed the experience today as much as we had. Yet, folks do not think to journey out to Cape Cod in the winter. Since I will be attending a meeting tomorrow on ways to develop more sensible economic policies for the town, it occurred to me that perhaps blog readers would be willing to comment on what would make you want to visit Wellfleet in winter? (Anyone who cannot post comments to Blogger, please feel free to email me at chezsven AT
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:35 PM
Why Would You Visit Wellfleet in Winter?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Great Green Gift from EWG!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:36 AM
Great Green Gift from EWG!
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Cookies and Other Bits & Pieces
Wind and rain this morning in Wellfleet, but no ice so far. We still have power and are reminded to get the generator hooked up, sooner rather than later. Today’s blog will be bits and pieces:
• Rumor has it that a real French chef is looking to acquire a restaurant in town.
• For follow-up on the ceremony to honor Elaine McIlroy and nine other librarians, go here.
• One of our favorite Boston companies is having a sale. If you are not familiar with Dancing Deer, do check out the Web site and use code SAVE10 for 10% off through Monday. The Christmas cookies, above, are scrumptious!
• While reservations for next summer are beginning to trickle in, we have no guests at all scheduled for the next seven weeks. I have joined a new town committee, the Wellfleet Citizens Economic Commission, to “examine initiatives" the town might undertake to "increase year-round economic opportunities for Wellfleet citizens without creating significant adverse impact on our community character or natural environment." Stay tuned!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:40 AM
Christmas Cookies and Other Bits & Pieces
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Chez Sven Becomes a Sawday's Special Place to Stay
Chez Sven is proud to be the first “Special Place” in the United States featured on Britain’s popular travel Web site Sawday’s Special Places To Stay. It is a great site for anyone looking for green accommodation. Our listing, a Web site exclusive, can be found here. Alastair Sawday has awarded us two ethical stamps, one for Environment, and one for Fine Food. Chez Sven offers natural amenities and uses only green cleaning products. We serve as much organic food as possible, including homemade granola, and provide water that has passed through 3-stage PUR filters. No plastic bottles here, although we recycle any that turn up in the trash. Sawday started his famous travel guidebook series a dozen years ago and has sold over one million books worldwide. Each “special place” – 5000 in all – receives a full write-up after a visit from a Sawday’s representative. Chez Sven was fortunate to have Em Sawday as one of our guests last year. We are very pleased to be featured as a Sawday's Special Place. Our former guests already know how special Chez Sven is. We are lucky to live in a fantastically beautiful town, with the Atlantic Ocean, above, two miles away, and Dyer Pond, below, a quick walk through the woods.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:53 PM
Chez Sven Becomes a Sawday's Special Place to Stay
Alexandra Grabbe
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Elaine McIlroy Earns National Honor
Now the rest of the United States has learned a secret
Wellfleetians have known for years. The Wellfleet Public Library is graced with one of the best librarians alive! Congratulations are in order for Elaine McIlroy who has won a Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award, and is one of only ten people to receive a $5000 cash prize today in New York City. In the 1970s, Elaine supervised raising money for a new building and moved the library from above town hall to its present location on West Main Street. She has always been in the forefront when it comes to improvements and implements these improvements with style: when computers with Internet access arrived half a dozen years ago, Wellfleet’s library named the machines Hope, Mercy, Harmony, Desire, Truth, Honesty and Patience.
More recently, Elaine spearheaded a campaign to raise money for solar panels and marched in the Fourth of July parade to spread the word. What I find the most impressive about Elaine is that she manages to inspire her staff year after year to welcome library visitors by name and with a smile. She has turned our public library into not only a valuable resource but a pleasurable destination for thousands of visitors summer, winter, spring and fall. Bravo, Elaine!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
9:01 AM
Elaine McIlroy Earns National Honor
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
Wellfleet's Preservation Hall Holds Craft Fair
Snowflakes may have been falling this afternoon but they could not dampen the spirits of the townsfolk who turned out for the annual craft fair organized by Wellfleet Preservation Hall.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:33 PM
Wellfleet's Preservation Hall Holds Craft Fair
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, December 04, 2008
Numerous Restaurants For Sale in Wellfleet
For anyone on vacation, a night out at a restaurant is a must. “As long as I do not have to cook the food, any place will do,” responded one guest when I asked what type of dining experience she and her husband would prefer during their weekend away from the kids. In summer, Wellfleet offers lots of choice for dining out. Unfortunately for bed & breakfast owners, most of the town’s eateries close after Oysterfest. This year two of Wellfleet’s year-round restaurants are closed in December: The Wicked Oyster will open again for business at the beginning of January; the Bookstore will be closed for two months, from December 14 to February 15. There are a slew of restaurants changing hands, so 2009 may bring fresh options. Let's hope some of the future owners decide to run year-round businesses. Monkey-See, Monkey-Do, formerly Eric’s Seafood, is up for sale after a total renovation ($650,000). The owners of the Lighthouse, in the center of town, are open to offers. Like to cook pizza? Consider D’Italia’s ($249,000). Rookies, also on Route 6, has a For Sale sign in the parking lot ($950,000). The world-famous Martin House in Provincetown is available as well ($1,399,000). With the economy tanking, who knows how many of these businesses will find takers? Down by the harbor, Captain Higgins will open in the spring with a new name: Pearl. A crew of carpenters is slowly transforming the building, which will soon sport what appears to be a second-floor deck (above). I’ve heard Pearl will serve organic food. Not in the market for a restaurant? How about a former chapel? Our Lady of Perpetual Help in North Truro is back on the market for $449,000.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:11 PM
Numerous Restaurants For Sale in Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Why Chez Sven Chose an Energy-Efficient Water Heater
The above photo shows yet another beautiful sunset over Wellfleet this afternoon ... As a green bed & breakfast, we opt for greener alternatives whenever possible. Our renovation last winter showed us that an innkeeper who prefers greener options must also have deep pockets and that sometimes dreams cannot translate into reality. Recently the water heater in Seagull Cottage died after almost two decades of faithful service. It was the type that keeps water in a tank at a specific heat. Whenever the temperature of the water fell, the system would turn on automatically, using energy. We could have replaced the tank with a similar model but chose a more energy-efficient system: the Rinnai 75LSi.
From the manual: "The Rinnai is one of the most advanced water heaters available. It provides a continuous supply of hot water at a preset temperature. There is no pilot light consuming gas while the heater in not being used." The Rinnai was installed by the gas company, which required six hours of labor, a gas permit, and an outlay of an initial $1300 for the beautiful machine itself. The first issue was pipe-sizing. These new heaters require ¾ inch piping, rather than ½. Since the cottage dates from 1970 and its laundry area was never renovated, we had to have an electrician install a new outlet and a Carbon Monoxide detector ($350). Once the new Rinnai was in, the plumber had to reconfigure the water pipes ($673). I understand why some businesses hesitate to adopt modern energy-efficient appliances when the bill ends up being three times as high!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:30 PM
Why Chez Sven Chose an Energy-Efficient Water Heater
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Finding Peace at Wellfleet's Ponds & Christmas Trees
Many non-residents have returned to Wellfleet for the Thanksgiving holiday, and lights flicker on the hillside at night, evidence of their presence. One neighbor makes a point of walking to Dyer Pond with her daughters on every visit because of the peace she finds there. Today Sven and I went to Dyer Pond ourselves and proceeded on to Great Pond. The photo below shows nearby Turtle Pond. How serene it was! Not a sound could be heard. Quite a contrast to the village where Xmas trees are on sale outside the former Catholic Church, future Preservation Hall. "Fresh from Nova Scotia, Premium Quality, Large Assortment" read the flyer from the Wellfleet Chamber. The sale will continue tomorrow from noon to 4 p.m. and next weekend. On Sunday, December 7th, Preservation Hall will hold its annual craft fair, a great event which always features the most amazing gingerbread houses you can imagine ....
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:10 PM
Finding Peace at Wellfleet's Ponds & Christmas Trees
Alexandra Grabbe
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Outer Cape shares a special history
with the Plymouth Colony, where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated. Before settling in Plymouth, the pilgrims anchored their ships in Provincetown Bay on November 11, 1620. There, in the Mayflower cabin, they drew up and signed the compact for the government of the future colony. They walked as far as Wellfleet and stole corn from the Indians at Truro's Corn Hill. This corn was used for seed the following year, keeping the men and women of Plymouth from starvation. A small party of pilgrims even explored the area north of Corn Hill and camped out beside a pond on the second night.
There is a bronze plaque to commemorate the event. Apparently, the pilgrims found a spring and "drank their first New England water" there ... Here at Chez Sven, as we approach this great holiday, we are grateful for all the wonderful guests who visited us in Wellfleet over the past year and hope they will return next year. If you are reading this blog and have not yet stayed at Chez Sven, do consider a visit in 2009. Thank you for reading Wellfleet Chezsven Blog. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:58 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Chez Sven Available on IPhone
I do not have an iPhone. Neither does Sven.
I do not even feel especially deprived at not having one. However, we both find this new technology impressive. I was able to admire my son's iPhone when he visited the east coast last summer. Chez Sven is now delighted to announce that we are among the first bed & breakfasts on Cape Cod available through iPhone. The screenshot to the left is of an application called"Inntouch." It can be found here. You must first download it to the iPhone or ipod touch. Then you can launch it and do a search for our B&B. The application is free, so easy to try out, and was pioneered by ILOVEINNS.COM.

Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
5:54 PM
Chez Sven Available on IPhone
Alexandra Grabbe
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Monday, November 24, 2008
A November Day in the Life
I made pancakes for the Green Room guests this morning, which they seemed to appreciate, and gave advice on possible outings for the day. I suggested walks at LeCount and Dyer Pond, two of our favorite places. Once they had left, I spent at least an hour trying to reach dentists for appointments and service trade folks to install a new water heater in the cottage, since ours broke this past weekend. After lunch, Sven and I went to the Wellfleet dump with trash, as well as glass, plastic, and cardboard for recycling. We continued on to the Truro Swap Shop where Sven found a brand new history book with DVD, to his great delight, about the Second World War in the Pacific. Then it was off to the beach for a walk. We saw lots of seagulls, standing sentry by the shore and water that looked like molten steel. In the parking lot, I noticed a sign indicating there will be a meeting about the proposed surfing ban tomorrow evening at the library.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:05 PM
A November Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wine in Bed?
One of the issues Sven and I have not been able to resolve is what to do about guests who drink wine in bed. There is nothing wrong with drinking wine in bed per se. The problem is drinking wine in bed and spilling the wine, especially red wine, which seems to be the drink of choice for most of our guests over the past year. Recently we had a couple in Liberty Coin Suite who managed to spill wine on the sheets, comforter cover, and linen dresser scarf. Above, Sven works assiduously at removing the stains. When my back was turned, I suspect he even tried a bit of bleach, which I stock reluctantly for such occasions. These guests also broke one of my fancy wine glasses.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:02 AM
Wine in Bed?
Alexandra Grabbe
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Friday, November 21, 2008
New Information on Lyme Disease
The autumn leaves are all down now, and I have raked them up.
Some I will use for future compost. Others get carted to the dump. Since ticks like to nest in beds of dried leaves, I do my best to remove as many as possible. Lyme has become a national health crisis. Ticks travel on birds, as well as mice and deer. I warn every guest about the risk ticks pose here on Cape Cod where Lyme Disease is now described as "endemic." While at the doctor's the other day, I discovered a publication about Lyme, which seemed worthwhile. I just visited the Web site for CALDA and joined. The home page shows how very SMALL deer ticks can be. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is one of the interesting new therapies which are being tried. I have written five letters to Oprah, hoping she will get interested in Lyme Disease, but so far, no response. I guess she feels tummy tucks and liposuction segments with Dr. Oz produce better ratings. If one of her close family were infected, she would quickly realize how important Lyme research is and urge listeners to contribute to organizations like CALDA.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
1:52 PM
New Information on Lyme Disease
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why Choose a B&B rather than a Hotel
I have had a request for a photo of Dyer Pond in the snow. No snow yet, but the air had a feel of winter this week, late afternoon. The cold winds today remind us that 2008 is drawing to a close. At Chez Sven, over the past year, we have been fortunate to receive dozens of charming people, each exceptional in his/her own way. When guests are open to conversation, Sven and I enjoy sharing our life experience with them. Often, they will do the same. Here are just a few of the interesting topics discussed at the breakfast table over the past months:
participation in Renaissance fairs throughout the county,
getting up early to milk cows on an organic dairy farm,
mixed feelings about boot camp prior to government assignment in Afghanistan,
restoration of ancient documents in Britain,
creation of new wallpaper designs,
enjoying a second education due to a new job helping a deaf student at college.
To our surprise, we have discovered innkeeping provides ample opportunity to learn about the world. Innkeeping also creates a situation that allows personal contact in an informal fashion. I have noticed that the people who chose Chez Sven often feel the same way about this exchange. Here is what one guest had to say: “Our daughter still talks about the Ice Hotel pictures Sven showed her. One of our favorite things about the B&B experiences we have had over the years is getting to know everyone through their unique life experiences.”
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:09 AM
Why Choose a B&B rather than a Hotel
Alexandra Grabbe
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
Salvage Matters
Sven and I love salvage. As many former guests know, the Wellfleet Transfer Station is Sven's "favorite place." We used to shop at the salvage store in Wareham, before it moved to New Bedford. A year ago our renovation project was just starting. Among the objects we were able to save: floorboards. Here they are, set out on the lawn, before installation. Now, with the green movement, salvage is going big-time, definitely a good thing. This morning NECN Dream House featured a great salvage store in Springfield, MA. If you are not close enough to shop there, find a salvage center near you here. In July, my brother Nick reported on a salvage project in Amherst.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:37 AM
Salvage Matters
Alexandra Grabbe
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Why I Missed Today's Harbor & Marina Meeting
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:45 PM
Why I Missed Today's Harbor & Marina Meeting
Alexandra Grabbe
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Uncle Tim's Bridge Reopens
At ten o'clock this morning, a crowd of citizens gathered to witness the reopening of Uncle Tim's Bridge after a total renovation that came in under budget and ahead of schedule, according to the town's assistant administrator Rex Peterson.
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
10:27 AM
Uncle Tim's Bridge Reopens
Alexandra Grabbe
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