Dear Representative Peake:
When I was in college I wore this 'No Nukes' pin (circa 1983).
After the fearsome breakdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, we all recognize the dangers again.
I am strongly against re-licensing the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth. In light of the Fukishima disaster, Germany worked quickly to phase out nuclear power. I believe Japan is doing the same. It was really disheartening to hear that Georgia is planning to build a nuclear power plant, the first approved in the United States since 1978!
So much power/energy is wasted. I see it every day. I know we can do more to promote energy conservation.
Remember too that there is still no way to safely store spent fuel rods. Nobody wants them. And they probably never will. I read that the storage facility at Pilgrim is already beyond its capacity. That scares me.
Thank you,
Lydia Vivante
Wellfleet, Massachusetts
And, the response:
Hi Lydia,
I agree with you about the Plymouth nuclear power plant. I have filed legislation to require that any re-licensing be conditioned upon an evacuation plan for Cape Cod. You know and I know that there is no viable evacuation plan for Cape Cod, so this is in effect a "poison pill" piece of legislation.
As a state legislator, the tools I have to stop the re-licensing of the plant are very limited. This is mostly, if not exclusively, a federal matter. That being said, I am working with like-minded colleagues, including Sen. Wolf, to bring some sanity to this whole process.
Thank you for writing to me. I share your concerns and your thoughts.
Sarah Peake
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