Friday, April 27, 2012

Exploring Wellfleet's Indian Neck Beaches

I had never visited Burton Baker or Indian Neck Beach until this week. I know that sounds silly but it's true. Both beaches are located on Indian Neck, behind the jetty, visible from the pier. If you have a map of Wellfleet handy, check it out. Indian Neck juts out into the water. For a long time, I thought this piece of Wellfleet was named because of its shape from the air. Wrong! Turns out early settlers sent the native Pononakanets to a place named St. James Neck, creating a local “reservation,” if you will. The name evolved into “Indian” Neck because that was where “Indians” lived. Native Americans also died here, burying their dead in what we now call ossuaries. The Pononakanets called the place "Tuttumnest."

***This blog post is interrupted by a news flash you probably will not have heard on American television, radio, or newspaper. The United Nations is to begin an investigation of the living conditions of the 2.7 million Native Americans still living in the USA, descendents of those the white man didn’t manage to kill. Read all about it in this Guardian article. Now we return to our regular programming.***

The beach Sven and I explored was attractive and offered a small parking lot. I hate to think of the number of cars there in summer! A stiff breeze was blowing during our visit, making me think Indian Neck residents must have cooler temps than on the “mainland.” Most of the houses seem to be summer homes.

It gives a completely different perspective to view the town from across the harbor.

The Wellfleet Conservation Trust will host a walk on Indian Neck in September.

Only three questions for those of you who have summer memories of this part of Wellfleet:
1.) Is this beach Burton Baker or Indian Neck?
2.) If Indian Neck, where is Burton Baker?
3.) Who is Burton Baker Beach named after?

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Living Large's avatar

Living Large · 670 weeks ago

I've never been there. But good for the UN. Hopefully, it will bring some much needed exposure to the plight of many Native Americans in this country.
My recent post Tomatoes, Rats and Other News from Our Little House
david wright's avatar

david wright · 670 weeks ago

Indian Nk. Beach is where the big jetty is, at the end of the point. Burton Baker beach is the small landing before it, the only place in town designated for windsurfing (that's why the carpet remnants are opposite: for rigging). M. Burton Baker was a realtor,(Cape Cod real Estate) but also ran an inn: Indian Nk. By the Sea. (Not sure where this was. It may have been the old Crowell mansion) In their ad for the inn they boast: Homelike, Restful, No Style, Home Cooking - Plenty of It Chicken with lobster served Sundays. The beach was named for him because it was given to the Town by his daughter, Dorothy Snow, in the 1960s.
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Thank you, David! So, we were exploring Indian Neck Beach, which offers a parking lot, albeit small. We found the town landing for Burton Baker also, but there was no parking lot. Is it only for people who walk in? Thanks for the info on who Burton Baker was.
david wright's avatar

david wright · 670 weeks ago

There is no paved parking lot at Burton Baker, Sandy. Good thing,too. The beach is small, as you note, and at high tide non-existant. There is a sandy drive for parking w/ sticker. Indian Nk. beach has a large parking lot. It's at the end of the road. Are we talking about the same place? You may be confusing Burton Baker with the unmarked entry to the beach mid-way between the two. You say" only for those who walk in" as if somebody were being left out, but if you think about the number of cottages here, densely packed and all within walking/bike riding distance, you would realize that it is filled to capacity by those staying in the neighborhood. This strand is also the recreational shellfishing area. Well used.
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Thank you, David. Will look again. I think we found the landing, not Burton Baker Beach. What road is it off of?
david wright's avatar

david wright · 670 weeks ago

It's just where the road curves. When In. Nk. becomes Nauset in one direction and Samoset in the other. As I said, there's a collection of old carpet directly opposite. It's all clearly marked in the Summer, w/ trash cans etc.
1 reply · active 670 weeks ago
Did see the carpet, but not really any parking area. We will look again. Thanks for sharing all your expertise on the subject!
Indian Neck is really right where the jetty is. You can walk all the way to the point of the jetty. We go there all the time because it is convenient, easy swimming, and has lots of parking. Not sure if that was where you were since you said the lot was small. I would say the Indian Neck lot can hold at least 40 cars? Burton Baker, as David said, is at the curve before you bear right to Indian Neck. Just go all the way to the end, and that is Indian Neck.
Indian Neck's avatar

Indian Neck · 670 weeks ago

Previous posts have answered your questions quite well. We have rented/owned on Indian Neck for 30 summers, raised our kids and made "summer friends" from all over the east coast. There is nothing better than a high tide evening swim on the bay when the temp is high and you can't beat the sunsets. Thank you for your blog!

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