I got Dangerous Instincts, How Gut Feelings Betray Us by Mary Ellen O’Toole, thinking the book might provide insight on ways to scope out strangers, in this case, our guests. They knock at an unlocked door. I expect them, open the door, welcome the couple inside. What we have in common is a prior engagement. But I have already decided from earlier contact, often an exchange of several emails, whether a person is someone I want in my house or not. While psychopaths could come to the B&B, usually they don't. Also, there are other people here, like Sven, which does not present the ideal scenario for any serious wrongdoing. Still, as I was reading and becoming more and more scared, it occurred to me that my younger self could have really used this book. I have not met any psychopaths, but at least one pathological liar did cross my path. If you're curious about whether crime shows on television are accurate in their portrayal of FBI profilers and why you should not rely on gut feelings alone, get yourself a copy of Dangerous Instincts. The author, a retired profiler, shares many worthwhile tips on how to stay safe and mitigate risk. I found the chapter on interviews particularly interesting and came away knowing to pay more attention to what is not said. After reading this book, all our doors will be locked …
Connie · 697 weeks ago
My recent post Deja vu
Donna Hull · 697 weeks ago
Living Large · 697 weeks ago
Jane Boursaw · 696 weeks ago
Jennifer · 667 weeks ago
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