Thanks for the update on Silent Spring Institute’s latest tests on well water.
So, on the Outer Cape, we are drinking acesulfame, a chemical that is 200 times sweeter than sugar? (Reporter) Rich Eldred wisely remarks that “repeated exposure, every time you take a drink, is different than being exposed just once.” Acesulfame can be found in foods such as low-fat yogurt and ice cream, soft drinks, gum. Chewable and liquid drugs also contain acesulfame. It does not break down in our bodies. Pee it out or wash some down the drain, and it gets in our water. While approved by the FDA, critics believe there may be potential threats to health. There’s no proof acesulfame causes cancer or leukemia, but I, for one, am not too happy to be drinking it. My father got bladder cancer from consumption of saccharine, another supposedly safe sweetener.
The SSI tests also revealed perfluorines. Persistent organic pollutants, they “stick” around. If you still use Teflon pans, you are contributing to the problem. PFCs also line pizza boxes and popcorn bags. They are sprayed on clothes and furniture to prevent stains. The EPA has labeled PFCs a “likely carcinogen.” They have been detected in the blood of 98% of Americans tested. I really don’t want to drink these chemicals either.
What I retain from this article is that septic systems are not designed to remove toxic chemicals. If we want to drink pure water, we should use a carbon filter. We also need to become more aware of the increasing need to protect our sole-source aquifer. What we put in the ground, we will consume.
SSI did not detect any endocrine disruptors. This is good news, but the situation may soon change if NStar is allowed to proceed with its plan to spray four herbicides under the power lines. Emerging science indicates endocrine disruptive chemicals can affect humans at lower doses than previously thought.
Elizabeth Costantino · 696 weeks ago
Sara · 696 weeks ago
Regulatory agencies, consumer groups and health associations all have taken a close look at the Teflon® brand. This article highlights what they found -- the bottom line is that you can use Teflon® non-stick without worry.
I'd truly be glad to share additional information about it if you are interested, and appreciate your consideration of this comment. Cheers, Sara.
chezsven 82p · 696 weeks ago
judy stock · 696 weeks ago
In the lining of pop corn bags! OUCH! Most pop my own now.
Kris · 696 weeks ago
Connie · 696 weeks ago
My recent post Feature Friday- Amanda Duford : Rain