Friday, October 29, 2010

Listening to Sand Dunes

I’ve noticed beachgoers, in summer, usually sit facing the ocean, or towards the sun, if a suntan is the main purpose of their visit. This typical beach behavior often means missing part of the experience. The view of the Atlantic is pretty spectacular at Wellfleet’s LeCount Hollow but I find my eyes are also drawn to the dunes, especially in quiet season. How can anyone not be moved by their beauty? On a good day, the bright blue sky creates incredible contrast with the reddish-beige sand, as in the photo above, taken last week below the Marconi Station site. On a so-so day like Thursday, when the sun played hide and seek, I find the drama is less color and more texture. Has there been a lot of erosion? Has the wind traced lines in the dune flank? Was one of the staircases buried? How high is the level of the sand? The dunes always look different and have stories to tell, if you only take the time to listen. Sometimes, this can be hard, when waves crashing demand attention, but it is always worthwhile ...