Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:05 AM
Happy Halloween!
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thoughts on Erosion at Newcomb Hollow Beach
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
3:26 PM
Thoughts on Erosion at Newcomb Hollow Beach
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (2)

Friday, October 29, 2010
Calling All Pumpkin-Carvers!
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
2:37 PM
Calling All Pumpkin-Carvers!
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (8)

Listening to Sand Dunes
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Listening to Sand Dunes
Alexandra Grabbe
dunes|LeCount Hollow|Wellfleet|
Comments (6)

LeCount Hollow,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Why I HEART Dr. Gupta and Senator Lautenberg
A status report by a Facebook friend alerted me to Sanjay Gupta’s participation in a New Jersey hearing on the regulation of toxic chemicals, organized by Senator Frank Lautenberg. I immediately shared this news: “Unable to move the Senate this session, Sen. Lautenberg of New Jersey took the debate on toxic chemicals to his home state. CNN's Sanjay Gupta is one of the people who testified that chemicals in the environment may be harming kids. (The rest of us, too, I might add.)”
Please read the CNN article or simply watch the video of Sanjay’s testimony. Dr. Gupta turned down the job of Surgeon General of the USA to retain his freedom, and it looks like this was the right decision.
I have not yet called for the first meeting of my green working group, and members are probably scratching their head as to why, but I do plan a November screening of Sandra Steingraber’s new award-winning documentary Living Downstream at the Wellfleet Public Library. I also continue my education on the impacts of body burden and endocrine disruption, and share what I learn here. So much to do, so little time!
Innkeeping is a job that requires work every day in season. What I mean is we do not get weekends off, unless we plan ahead. This is one of the reasons innkeepers burn out so fast, and why I harp on the fact that innkeeping is not an activity for retirement, unless, of course, one has the means to pay for help.
Are your days as busy as mine? Have you come up with ways to staunch the social-media time drain and get other things done once your work day is finished? Do you spread the word about toxic chemicals in the environment to family and friends? Did you watch Sanjay Gupta's CNN special Toxic America?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Why I HEART Dr. Gupta and Senator Lautenberg
Alexandra Grabbe
Facebook|toxic chemicals|Uncle Tim's Bridge|Wellfleet|
Comments (12)

toxic chemicals,
Uncle Tim's Bridge,
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Blog Reader Makes My Day
“Do you have a room available tonight?” she asks.
Uh-oh. We are full this week, no rooms available. But, Anne sounds so nice ...
I am about to answer when she adds, “I’ve seen your blog and it’s absolutely charming.”
Oh, my. Cue orchestra playing, flower petals floating through the air, champagne bottles being uncorked. Anne is one lady who just made my day. On an evening where I have been thinking of blog abandonment in order to spend more time on other writing, I feel myself being transported yet again by the knowledge that I do touch people and make a difference in the lives of those who, like me, love Wellfleet.
Are you one of them? What makes Wellfleet so special? What would you like me to photograph this fall? Do you dream of Wellfleet all year long?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Blog Reader Makes My Day
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (13)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Bonus Post: Uncle Tim's Bridge, Today
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:30 PM
Bonus Post: Uncle Tim's Bridge, Today
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (3)

An October Day in the Life
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
An October Day in the Life
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (14)

Monday, October 25, 2010
The Sounds of Fall
A flock of grackles suddenly descends from the sky. They chatter and call to each other, as if on break and desperate to exchange the latest gossip. The lawn seems alive with them. They nudge each other and strut about. Then, as if on command, with a great flapping of wings, they rise up and are gone.
Sven, over at the cottage did not see the grackles. He has just filled the birdfeeder. How do I know? He’s banging on a metal scoop to call the chickadees. It’s not subtle – a bongedy-bong-bong that he taps out in rhythm several times, surely enough noise to be heard if any local birds are in the vicinity.
A seagull sails by, way above, riding the air currents. Flying looks like such fun!
Thunder rumbles in the distance. The wind picks up and rustles the yellow leaves on one of our two persimmon trees. Sheets, drying on the clothesline, begin to flap in the breeze.
A car rumbles by on our dirt road, no doubt driven by a non-resident, who was here for the weekend, and is now taking the short cut to Route 6.
The phone rings. I explain we are booked next Friday and Saturday, yes, both rooms. Due to the cold weather, Liberty Coin Suite has reverted to its rightful owners. Our last Liberty Coin guests of the season left in the morning.
The back door shuts with a bang.
Sven does not hear too well anymore without his hearing aids and my best china clinks as he fills the dishwasher. He presses On and, with a whoosh, water enters the machine. I hear him move into the living room and sit down.
“Nice to be able to read the newspapers out here without feeling you are intruding on the guests,” my husband shouts, now stretched out on the couch. The pages of the New York Times Week in Review rustle as he turns to the op-ed.
In the office, I hear a pitter-patter of feet above my head. Not grandchildren. They are in Los Angeles. The sound is made by a weasel that has taken up residence between floors. Pretty soon he will be the only guest that remains …
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
The Sounds of Fall
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (2)

Sunday, October 24, 2010
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part 3
While I was taking photos, Sven saw two people struggling to possess a carton of used books from a recent drop-off inside the swap shop. “Frantic” is the word he used to describe these avid book collectors, and I doubt it was because they wanted to read. Such books have some resale value.
In Provincetown, I was struck by the range of luxury items available. There were end-of-season sales going on. Pedestrians exited shops with several shopping bags full. What a lot of junk you can buy along the middle eight blocks of Commercial Street! After a while, these objects will make their way to the dump, or Ruthies, Provincetown’s immaculate thrift shop
We also saw a blond transvestite, with a microphone, who had an exceptional voice and was belting out a tune from the 1930s. Tourists sat on benches and took in the free show, not sure how to react. Behind them rose the magnificent town hall, newly renovated, one of the four towers in the photo above.
A trip to Provincetown,
When we got home, I realized we had witnessed both sides of our consumer society. In Provincetown, people buy stuff they don’t need. In Truro, people recover stuff strangers have discarded and put it to good use. To see both behaviors in a couple hours was a strange experience. And, Kerry, I didn’t even need to write these paragraphs for you to get it. From your comment, you understood from the photos, right?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part 3
Alexandra Grabbe
Provincetown|Truro Dump|
Comments (2)

Truro Dump
Saturday, October 23, 2010
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part 2
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part 2
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (1)

Friday, October 22, 2010
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part I
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
From the Truro Dump to Ptown in One Day, Part I
Alexandra Grabbe
Provincetown|Truro Dump|
Comments (0)

Truro Dump
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hello, Mr. Foreign Tourist: May I Help You?
“Driving up, we felt like we had a blindfold on. Everything was dark. Now today, we will get to take the blindfold off,” declared one eager guest as he set out to explore with his wife. It’s important to remember tourists from abroad see our town with different eyes. They do come for the beauty, yes, but also seek out the opportunity to observe local culture and have a “foreign” experience. There’s a great verb in French to describe this type of vacation: depayser, which means to get a total change of scene. Today let’s try and address what tourists want and whether they find it here in Wellfleet.
First off, summon up the mindset of a guest from Europe. Imagine a couple wheelie suitcases, a rental car, a guidebook or two, travelers checks. The typical tourist stands before us. We must meet his/her needs.
A few suggestions of what those needs may be:
1.) Easy access to restaurants for lunch and dinner
2.) Interesting indoor activities when the weather is not perfect
3.) Historical context
4.) Local color
5.) Well maintained nature trails and hikes
The foreign tourist’s needs are sometimes very elementary, which is why I put food at the top of my list. Tourists must be fed three decent meals. At breakfast this morning, one guest commented on the fresh fruit salad. “Do you realize how difficult it is to eat fruit when you're traveling?” she said. Eating away from home can be daunting. The astute B&B host will do her best to provide a wholesome breakfast. But, what about other meals? “Challenging” is how I describe my search for appropriate dinner offerings in fall. After Oysterfest, seasonal staff leave town. Restaurants are not necessarily insulated and many must close until spring. This means only a few options remain: The Bookstore, The Wicked Oyster, The Lighthouse, Finely JPs, Town Pizza, and, new-bistro-on-the-block, PB.
Number 2, interesting indoor activities. Augh! This is a tough one. In Boston, tourists can spend rainy days at the Fine Arts Museum. We have nothing similar on the Outer Cape. There’s a bowling alley in Orleans, a mall in Hyannis, and several movie theaters, but usually guests are not in the mood for that type of activity. Generally, they do Chatham or Provincetown, with umbrellas.
Historical context. Someone could organize year-round cultural tours of Cape Cod and make a good living. One such organization exists in Sandwich, but not here. It should. Pilgrim trails, check; monuments, check; old houses like Atwood Higgins, check; small museums, check. A lot to build on, in other words, but no cultural tours.
Fourth on my list is local color. Folks harvesting cranberries. Shellfishermen collecting oysters on the flats. Whales swimming offshore. Openings at art galleries. Tourists get a kick out of this type of thing. And, we have Provincetown as a nearby destination – travel 25 minutes for a total jolt to the senses.
Finally, nature. Lots of that right here in Wellfleet. The Marconi site, with its Atlantic White Cedar Swamp trail, and the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary offer perfect nature walks. But the biggest draw remains the majestic Atlantic Ocean and its miles of deserted beach.
Okay. Your turn. What type of experience do you seek out when you go abroad? What was your best foreign vacation ever and why? Readers who live abroad, what do you think of my list? Why do you come to Wellfleet?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Hello, Mr. Foreign Tourist: May I Help You?
Alexandra Grabbe
innkeeping|Wellfleet tourism|
Comments (17)

Wellfleet tourism
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fall Foliage & Discover Wellfleet
Today, in skimming headlines, I clicked through to an op-ed in the Cape Cod Times. Brent Harold has written a piece about whether or not formula restaurants are appropriate in Wellfleet. Anyone who reads this blog knows I was not too happy about the arrival of Dunkin' Donuts. What I would like to see is more restaurants, unique to Wellfleet, open year-round. We had a guest from Milan this summer, who noticed the success of PB Boulangerie Bistro and suggested the town might do well to acquire a real Italian restaurant as well. What do you think?
Do you find the Discover Wellfleet site useful? How do you like it? Can you think of any improvements?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
8:00 AM
Fall Foliage & Discover Wellfleet
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (4)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thoughts on Retirement at Newcomb Hollow
Retirement was on my mind as we descended onto Newcomb Hollow Beach. I never used to think about retirement until recently. Now I find no time to write, because I'm so busy doing other things. And, my knees have started to hurt.
Lots of retired people in Wellfleet,
“In France, citizens are fighting to keep the government from shifting the retirement age from 60 to 62,” Sven said, jumping across a rivulet.
“Two more years of work? No way,” I replied.
Americans cannot understand why retirement
When I lived near Paris, I sometimes found myself stranded in the city, because subway drivers had decided to strike without warning. Once I even hitchhiked home from work. The French take strikes very seriously. So what if millions of people get inconvenienced? What matters is making a point and not giving in.
Sven and I may not be retired,
At what age do you plan to retire? Do you understand the French protests? What do you think of the decision not to give Americans on Social Security a cost-of-living increase?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Thoughts on Retirement at Newcomb Hollow
Alexandra Grabbe
Newcomb Hollow|retirement|
Comments (17)

Newcomb Hollow,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oysterfest 2010: Oysters Galore, and Fun, Too
Imagine Main Street, chock a block with bodies,
Our first stop was the hula hoop stand,
Our next stop was Preservation Hall.
I love to watch the talented lady from The Juice,
I did insist on walking all the way down Main to the non-profit area. A still life of oysters was one of the prizes at the Affordable Housing table. There were raffles and a superb kayak, surely first prize for some raffle or silent auction but Sven had already plunged back into the crowd, so I didn’t get time to read the small print and cannot report on which one.
Oysterfest 2010 seemed to have a bit of something for everyone. There were even recycling bins for oyster shells. Congratulations to Alex Hay and his team for throwing our town such a marvelous end-of-tourist-season party.
Did you attend Oysterfest this year? If so, what did you like best? Is this an event that would make you want to visit Wellfleet next fall?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Oysterfest 2010: Oysters Galore, and Fun, Too
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (9)

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Who Is Really Celebrating this Oysterfest?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Who Is Really Celebrating this Oysterfest?
Alexandra Grabbe
Long Pond|Oysterfest|Wellfleet|WHAT theater|
Comments (2)

Long Pond,
WHAT theater
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Just Say No to GMOs ...
This text will be replaced by the player
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
6:30 AM
Just Say No to GMOs ...
Alexandra Grabbe
GMOs|PB Boulangerie Bistro|
Comments (1)

PB Boulangerie Bistro
Friday, October 15, 2010
Clap if You Support Synthetic Chemicals in Water
Here in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, we do not want synthetic chemicals in our drinking water either. On the Outer Cape, most people drink water from private wells. Petitions have been circulated. Selectmen have agreed. Legislators have signed on. Even our Congressman, William Delahunt, corresponded with EPA administrator Lisa Jackson on the matter. Despite all this noise, the utility company maintains its plan to spray five herbicides under the power lines to remove vegetation and will start 1/1/11.
Over the past year, I have been giving myself a crash course on toxic chemicals. Here is a brief summary of what I learned, 1.) synthetic chemicals need regulation; 2.) trace amounts can affect us; 3.) one chemical might not have an effect, but mix them together in the environment and watch out; 4.) most testing is done by the industry involved, not by disinterested third parties; 5.) these corporate folks test for one chemical at a time, not several together; 6.) not only do endocrine disruptors contribute to the current breast cancer epidemic but seem to have a negative effect on future generations.
Of the approximately 85,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the United States, more than 90 percent have never been tested for their effects on human health. Please take a moment to sign this National Resources Defense Council petition urging Lisa Jackson to stand up to the chemical industry and insist on the regulation of synthetic chemicals.
Bloggers all over the world are writing about water today. Unpolluted drinking water should be a human right. Unfortunately, here in the USA, money talks louder than scientists. Yesterday came news that the regulation effort has been defeated for now. When something like this happens, it's wise to remember how long it took to stop the tobacco industry. Change will come. Please join the movement today.
Do you worry about what's in your water? Have you ever had your water tested? What do you think of yesterday's news about the defeat of this important bill?
More Blog Action Day Posts:
Alison Rose Levy at Health: When the Best Water Filter Is Not Enough for Health
Fake Plastic Fish: Win an Ethical Ocean Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Film Gecko: Oceans and the Crimson Wing
Music Road: Music and Water
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
7:33 AM
Clap if You Support Synthetic Chemicals in Water
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (13)

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Homegrown Revolution: “Start by Changing Yourself”
Food is something to think about as Oysterfest approaches,
At breakfast this morning I chatted with a guest from Germany, the mother of two small children.
Being a green innkeeper has taught me to think outside the box when it comes to food. I have written about Chez Sven’s switch from Tropicana to Purity Organic over the summer. Next year I hope to squeeze juice from organic oranges for guests. We already serve organic milk and granola, as well as fresh fruit salad, organic if possible. Pesticide residue is not something you want in your body, and washing fruit does not remove this residue, as California's Alliance for Food and Farming would have us believe.
Faced with the might of Agribusiness, Big Pharma, and Big Oil, I’ve decided it’s time for change, and we need to start at home, by changing ourselves, one person at a time. “Change begins with you,” says Jules Dervaes, narrator of this inspiring video about growing food at home and sustainability.
I believe bloggers have a role to play in this "homegrown revolution."
Books like Slow Death by Rubber Duck and Our Stolen Future taught me about the chemical mayhem going on inside our bodies, important information that I shared with my community. I reported on the utility company’s plan to spray five herbicides under the power lines here on Cape Cod. I am organizing the screening of movies like A Chemical Reaction, Living Downstream, and Submission: In Defense of the Unborn, at the Wellfleet Public Library. I have also taken a stand against endocrine disruption by synthetic chemicals like BPA, detected in 90% of the pregnant women tested recently in Cincinnati. Today’s post is part of the Healthy Child Blog Carnival, an effort by Healthy Child Healthy World to help inspire a movement to protect children from harmful chemicals. Pregnant women and small children are the most vulnerable but we all need to pay closer attention to what we put into our mouth.
Dramatic change is happening across the country. School lunches are being revisited in Berkeley, California. (I learn all about it at Lettuce Eat Kale, a blog written by my friend Sarah Henry.) Here in Massachusetts, a wise man named Ken Toong is creating change in the way universities approach food. Toong has even borrowed a few chefs from Berkeley, according to a recent guest from Amherst.
Are you aware of the "homegrown revolution" that is underway? Are you a part of it? What have you done to protect your family from synthetic chemicals in food and water?
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
11:31 AM
Homegrown Revolution: “Start by Changing Yourself”
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (15)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bonus Post: LeCount Hollow, Today
Posted by
Alexandra Grabbe
4:49 PM
Bonus Post: LeCount Hollow, Today
Alexandra Grabbe
Comments (5)

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