Yesterday I got a call from a DJ in Worcester, a man with a marvelous radiophonic voice, smooth as the surface of Dyer Pond on a windless day. He wanted to know how to pronounce Chez Sven. So, I told him. I also mentioned I had been a DJ in France and said Chez Sven is a GREEN bed & breakfast. Why, you ask, did he want to know how to pronounce Chez Sven? A three-day stay in Wellfleet is the main prize in the
August WSRS FM Cape Cod Giveaway. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce organized this amazing promotion called “96 Days of Summer.”
In exchange for contributing one 3-night stay, Chez Sven receives thirty promotional announcements per week during the month of August for a grand total of 120 promotional mentions. This opportunity, which I seized of course, has a promotional value of several thousands of dollars! How cool is that?
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