I think the folks below have the right idea. They had appropriated a picnic table and were about to sample a new bottle of wine.

Meanwhile, across Kendrick Avenue, a line had formed for the Bookstore. Further down the road, Pearl was also crowded. There were about two dozen people standing in the take-out line at Mac's Seafood. And, on Commercial Street, the wait to get into Mac's Shack was one and a half hours. I know this because our Green Room guests ate there last night. Sven and I were downtown to pick up some organic milk at Wellfleet Marketplace. On the way home, we drove through the village and parked at Mayo Beach. A breeze off the harbor had cooled off tempers and dogs. There were quite a few out walking their owners. Wellfleet Recreation has erected a tent for summer events near the skateboard park.

Last night jazz reigned supreme. I did not catch the names of all the musicians, but I do know the female vocalist was none other than Lisa Brown and that she has a great voice. Lisa also plays the drums. Chalk up two more hidden talents for this Wellfleetian, who, every year, inspires a new group of teenagers with world music at Nauset High. Sven sat and listened while I roamed around playing photographer as tourists, non-residents, and locals mingled on a very pleasant August evening.