This week I've been experiencing what it must be like to be handicapped. I hobble around, eager for Sven’s return from Sweden. Climbing stairs has become an ordeal. I apply regular heat packs to my knee and spend hours in front of the computer. No fun! Then a ray of sunshine brightened my day. Someone called, looking for a room in two weeks, a busy time here, and, to boot, a room that is handicapped-accessible.
Innkeepers are considered instant specialists on all things Wellfleet, at least that must be the way we are perceived, because, in season, I answer half a dozen calls a day. Innkeepers do know a lot, but not everything. People, over the phone, often ask questions that would be better directed to staff at the Chamber of Commerce. But I did speak to this caller for five minutes. Then she said, "Are you the lady who writes?" Had I been a child, drawing a picture of me at this desk, an enormous sun would have suddenly appeared in a corner of the page. When I replied to the affirmative, she said, "I knew you would help me …"
I intend to do a post about handicapped-accessible Wellfleet in the future, once this knee is feeling better. Readers, do you know which beaches are handicapped-accessible?
amywellfleet 46p · 764 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 764 weeks ago
Grant · 764 weeks ago
Duck Harbor has no serious dune to climb down, but it's a long stretch of soft sand from the parking lot, so I don't expect a wheelchair or walker frame would work.
It's hard for me to imagine a solution to making the ocean beaches wheelchair accessible that wouldn't do unacceptable damage to the fragile dunes. Has anyone seen a possible solution in other parts of the world?
chezsven 82p · 763 weeks ago
janet · 763 weeks ago
Nancy · 763 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 763 weeks ago
Kerry Dexter · 763 weeks ago
glad the caller's words gave you a smile.
as you're following up on handicapped access issues, I'd put in a word for considering many sorts of handicaps in addition to wheelchair access.
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