"It is with saddened heart that we note the loss of our dear friend and board member, Simone Reagor. On Tuesday August 3rd Simone died unexpectedly from an untreatable aneurysm. Simone's last day was spent on Main Street viewing and cheering the raising of the cupola holding our magnificent heron.
Following so many of your suggestions and our own heart as a Board, we have voted unanimously to raise $200,000 to name the Upper Performance Hall in Simone's memory. 'Simone Reagor Hall' will honor Simone's tireless efforts and the graceful warmth she felt for Preservation Hall and the community she loved.
It has been an honor to know Simone and our very good fortune to have her on our Board, moving us forward toward completion of the Hall. With her insight, wisdom and commitment Simone helped knit us together to form the fabric of what Wellfleet Preservation Hall represents. We will miss her greatly as we carry on now, with her spirit guiding us toward fulfilling the vision she so embraced
We have already received donations in Simone's memory and feel privileged to take on this challenge. All donations in memory of Simone are gratefully accepted on behalf of the entire Board and will bring us that much closer to realizing the vision Simone shared with us. Please forward or pass this along to anyone who you think might be interested."
Rhoda Flaxman · 763 weeks ago
Tamar March · 763 weeks ago
Judith Klau · 763 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 763 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 763 weeks ago
P.O. Box 3024 Wellfleet, MA 02667
Laurie · 763 weeks ago
Sherwin Cooper · 763 weeks ago