Down on the flats it was quiet and peaceful as twilight descended on Wellfeet harbor.

A few shellfishermen were finishing up at extreme low tide. Sven and I went walking, cheered by having just read a copy of the letter Congressman Delahunt sent to EPA chief Lisa Jackson yesterday. Our Congressman may be about to retire but it seems he has decided to take a stand on the issue of herbicidal spraying and whether or not the policy is really appropriate for universal application under power lines everywhere. I have not reported on our effort to protect Cape water since last week when N was granted a 30-day extension of the comment period, preempting a request for a year's moratorium by the Cape Cod Commission the following day. It will be interesting to follow what happens next ... Before our walk, I emailed the Congressman to express my appreciation. (I had written to Lisa Jackson in the fall and she forwarded my letter to EPA New England where a Bush appointee was in charge. A few months ago, Obama's appointee took over, so I wrote him, too.)
anjuli · 781 weeks ago
Kerri · 781 weeks ago
My recent post Earth Day Everyday