The Cape Cod Modern House Trust will hold an Open House at the Kugel/Gips house, off Long Pond Road, on Sunday from 10 to 4. A shuttle bus service will be provided from the Cahoon Hollow parking lot. This is a re-scheduled event, after a massive December snowstorm caused a cancellation, and the second Open House since renovation was completed. I like to think of Peter McMahon as a wizard, who managed to convince the National Seashore to allow him to save a part of Wellfleet’s history and then, with minimal funds and a mostly volunteer staff, in the nick of time, brought the Kugel/Gips house back to its former glory. Back? Beyond would be a better word. Sven and I peeked inside yesterday. McMahon has managed to decorate with period furniture and art. The result takes the breath away, as does the view, below. The Kugel/Gips house is featured in this month’s online edition of
Preservation. Find additional information at
Modern Cape Cod or read or read the
CCMHT blog. To sign up for the 2010 Modern House Tour on August 22, contact the Castle Hill Center for the Arts in Truro. McMahon plans to renovate Hatch Cottage next. Stay tuned ….
judy stock · 778 weeks ago
janet · 778 weeks ago
chezsven 82p · 778 weeks ago
janet · 778 weeks ago
tomorrow. It's a rare opportunity. Thanks for the reminder.