Simplify, simplify, simplify has become my mantra. When Sven and I left France, several suitcases of elegant clothing crossed the ocean with us. Sven had a favorite Dior jacket, picked up at Réciproque, an exclusive second-hand store, rue de la Pompe. He wore that jacket to holiday events, dinners with parents at the International School, outings to the Paris Opera. My husband looked quite fancy, too fancy, in fact, for rural Wellfleet. We have not given the jacket away. It sits at the back of the closet and got pulled out recently for my daughter’s wedding.
People say the recession has sent crowds pouring into thrift stores. Perhaps that’s true in some parts of the country, but not here. Racks still overflow with clothing. My favorite new place is The Hope Chest in Orleans, which has a Filene’s Basement system of discount by the week. This shop also offers what we called, in France, brocante, that is, nice but a bit shabby furniture that does not quite qualify as antique. You never know what’s going to turn up. The last time I peeked in there was a kayak for sale.
Cape Codders may not be thrift-shopping en masse, but people are hurting, and some clerks have resorted to short-changing customers. It happened to me in Hyannis. It happened to Sven in Wellfleet. It happened to a friend in Orleans. And, I fear we are not alone. So, when out shopping, check your change ...