Above, we have a view of the Herring River basin, photographed from the bridge at the dike yesterday. I had meant to attend a 1:00 meeting at National Seashore headquarters, but instead Sven convinced me to go bayside, warmer than at ocean beaches, and the meeting slipped my mind. Cape Cod Times reporter Mary Ann Bragg was in attendance, at least she reports today on the plan for a possible appeal by federal lawyers of the 5828-square-foot building, still under consideration, an issue that rankles many locals. Sven and I could see the Blasch house in the distance, below. My feeling is that, at this point, better to put energy and legislation into stopping future rogue construction rather than remove the McMansion already built. What do you think?
A frigid wind was blowing at Duck Harbor, so we did an about-face and returned to Powers Landing, a more protected beach, although my fingers were blue by the end of our quick walk.
At the high-tide line, we noticed red fibers and could not figure out what they were. At first discarded fabric, that had fallen overboard, came to mind, but there was too much of it. I asked the shellfish constable and he reported back that it's a type of seaweed, now prevalent throughout the harbor. Is there anyone reading who can put a name to this seaweed?