Sven is watching television images of England, brought to a halt by a snowstorm. He spoke to some friends today in Sweden, huddled under a down comforter, due to extreme cold, determined not to raise the heat in their mansion. The weather seems to be on everyone’s mind. Will it snow again this weekend? How many inches? Old King's Highway is so slick Stephen Colbert’s Olympic bobsledders could use it for practice runs.
A first tenant is occupying the K/G house, in the Seashore. I hope the Cape Cod Modern House Trust organized snow removal. Tenants this summer will not have that problem. (It is now possible to rent this marvelous restored three-bedroom house for $5000/week, $3000 of which is tax-deductible. For details go here and download information on the right.) Northeast Pond is probably frozen this week, but next summer it will look gloriously azure blue.
Wellfleet is one place that is very influenced by sunshine. When the sun shines, a pond’s surface reflects the luminosity, the ocean turns green-blue.
A bright light did show up along Route 6 today.